import random lives = 9 words = ['pizza', 'fairy', 'teeth', 'shirt', 'otter', 'plane'] secret_word = random.choice(words) clue = list('?????') heart_symbol = u'\u2764' guessed_word_correctly = False def update_clue(guessed_letter, secret_word, clue): index = 0 while index < len(secret_word): if guessed_letter == secret_word[index]: clue[index] = guessed_letter index = index + 1 while lives > 0: print(clue) print('Lives left: ' + heart_symbol * lives) guess = input('Guess a letter or the whole word: ') if guess == secret_word: guessed_word_correctly = True break if guess in secret_word: update_clue(guess, secret_word, clue) else: print('Incorrect. You lose a life') lives = lives - 1 if guessed_word_correctly: print('You won! The secret word was ' \ + secret_word) else: print('You lost! The secret word was ' \ + secret_word)