Incidental findings smaller than 4 cm should be followed-up by imaging. Tumors measuring more than 7 cm or those that are symptomatic a surgical approach is mandated. We present the case of a 78-year-old man with an extra-adrenal myelolipoma.The pre-operative differential diagnosis of gastric subepithelial lesions is complex. We can find pathologies with a very different behavior. Some of them, like gastrointestinal (GI) stromal tumors, can present a malignant behavior, and others like schwannomas are practically benign. Schwannomas of the GI tract originate from the Schwann cells of the Auerbach plexus and their most frequent location is the stomach. The definitive diagnosis is made by immunohistochemical analysis of the surgical specimen and its resection is curative. We report two cases of gastric subepithelial lesions with a definitive diagnosis of schwannoma.Las neoplasias del apéndice son un grupo heterogéneo de tumores con una incidencia baja, la presentación clínica es inespecífica, cursando generalmente de forma asintomática, y la tomografía es el estudio de elección para el diagnóstico. El tratamiento dependerá del tipo histológico del tumor.The appendix neoplasms are a heterogeneous group of tumors with a low incidence, the clinical presentation is nonspecific, usually being asymptomatic, tomography is the study of choice for the diagnosis. Treatment will depend on the histological type of the tumor.El pectus excavatum es la deformidad de la caja torácica frecuente, siendo el sexo masculino el mayormente afectado. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 16 años con pectus excavatum e índice de Haller de 4, a quien se somete a cirugía de pectus up con sistema de tracción esternal externa y fijación con tornillos. Se obtuvo una muy buena respuesta funcional y estética en su posoperatorio. La cirugía de pectus up como método poco invasivo da buenos resultados posoperatorios.The pectus excavatum is the most frequent deformity o