Macromolecular structures can be determined from solution X-ray scattering. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) provides global structural information on length scales of 10s to 100s of Ångstroms, and many algorithms are available to convert SAXS data into low-resolution structural envelopes. Extension of measurements to wider scattering angles (WAXS or wide-angle X-ray scattering) can sharpen the resolution to below 10 Å, filling in structural details that can be critical for biological function. These WAXS profiles are especially challenging to interpret because of the significant contribution of solvent in addition to solute on these smaller length scales. Based on training with molecular dynamics generated models, the application of extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) is discussed, which is a supervised machine learning (ML) approach to interpret features in solution scattering profiles. These ML methods are applied to predict key structural parameters of double-stranded ribonucleic acid (dsRNA) duplexes. Duplex conformations vary with salt and sequence and directly impact the foldability of functional RNA molecules. The strong structural periodicities in these duplexes yield scattering profiles with rich sets of features at intermediate-to-wide scattering angles. In the ML models, these profiles are treated as 1D images or features. These ML models identify specific scattering angles, or regions of scattering angles, which correspond with and successfully predict distinct structural parameters. Thus, this work demonstrates that ML strategies can integrate theoretical molecular models with experimental solution scattering data, providing a new framework for extracting highly relevant structural information from solution experiments on biological macromolecules.Direct detector device (DDD) cameras have revolutionized electron cryomicroscopy (cryoEM) with their high detective quantum efficiency (DQE) and output of movie data. A high ratio of camera frame rate (frames per second) to camera exposure rate (electrons per pixel per second) allows electron counting, which further improves the DQE and enables the recording of super-resolution information. Movie output also allows the correction of specimen movement and compensation for radiation damage. However, these movies come at the cost of producing large volumes of data. It is common practice to sum groups of successive camera frames to reduce the final frame rate, and therefore the file size, to one suitable for storage and image processing. This reduction in the temporal resolution of the camera requires decisions to be made during data acquisition that may result in the loss of information that could have been advantageous during image analysis. Here, experimental analysis of a new electron-event representation (EER) data format for electron-counting DDD movies is presented, which is enabled by new hardware developed by Thermo Fisher Scientific for their Falcon DDD cameras. This format enables the recording of DDD movies at the raw camera frame rate without sacrificing either spatial or temporal resolution. Experimental data demonstrate that the method retains super-resolution information and allows the correction of specimen movement at the physical frame rate of the camera while maintaining manageable file sizes. The EER format will enable the development of new methods that can utilize the full spatial and temporal resolution of DDD cameras.The cholinergic postsynaptic membrane is an acetyl-choline receptor-rich membrane mediating fast chemical communication at the nerve-muscle synapse. Here, cryo-EM is used to examine the protein-lipid architecture of this membrane in tubular vesicles obtained from the (muscle-derived) electric organ of the Torpedo ray. As reported earlier, the helical arrangement of the protein component of the vesicles facilitates image averaging and enables us to determine how cholesterol and phospho-lipid molecules are distributed in the surrounding matrix, using headgroup size as a means to discriminate between the two kinds of lipid. It is shown that cholesterol segregates preferentially around the receptors in both leaflets of the lipid bilayer, interacting robustly with specific transmembrane sites and creating a network of bridging microdomains. Cholesterol interactions with the receptor are apparently essential for stabilizing and maintaining its physiological architecture, since the transmembrane structure contracts, involving displacements of the helices at the outer membrane surface by ∼2 Å (1-3 Å), when this lipid is extracted. The microdomains may promote cooperativity between neighbouring receptors, leading to an enhanced postsynaptic response.In the light of NASA's New Horizons mission, the solid-phase behaviour of methane and nitrogen has been re-examined and the thermal expansion coefficients of both materials have been determined over their whole solid temperature range for the first time. Neutron diffraction results indicate that the symmetric Pa 3 space group is the best description for the α-nitrogen structure, rather than the long-accepted P213. Furthermore, it is also observed that β-nitrogen and methane phase I show changes in texture on warming, indicating grain growth.Protein dynamics are essential to function. One example of this is the various gating mechanisms within ion channels, which are transmembrane proteins that act as gateways into the cell. Typical ion channels switch between an open and closed state via a conformational transition which is often triggered by an external stimulus, such as ligand binding or pH and voltage differences. The atomic resolution structure of a potassium-selective ion channel named NaK2K has allowed us to observe that a hydro-phobic residue at the bottom of the selectivity filter, Phe92, appears in dual conformations. One of the two conformations of Phe92 restricts the diameter of the exit pore around the selectivity filter, limiting ion flow through the channel, while the other conformation of Phe92 provides a larger-diameter exit pore from the selectivity filter. Thus, it can be concluded that Phe92 acts as a hydro-phobic gate, regulating the flow of ions through the selectivity filter.