No differences were found regarding adherence to a Mediterranean diet. The choice to practice an extracurricular sport could be an influencing factor to increase exercise and ensure an active lifestyle in children. Reducing or limiting screen time mainly in children's rooms could contribute to an active lifestyle.In the last decade atmospheric pressure plasma jets (APPJs) have been routinely employed for surface processing of polymers due to their capability of generating very reactive chemistry at near-ambient temperature conditions. Usually, the plasma jet modification effect spans over a limited area (typically a few cm²), therefore, for industrial applications, where treatment of large and irregular surfaces is needed, jet and/or sample manipulations are required. More specifically, for treating hollow objects, like pipes and containers, the plasma jet must be introduced inside of them. In this case, a normal jet incidence to treated surface is difficult if not impossible to maintain. In this paper, a plasma jet produced at the end of a long flexible plastic tube was used to treat polyethylene terephthalate (PET) samples with different incidence angles and using different process parameters. Decreasing the angle formed between the plasma plume and the substrate leads to increase in the modified area as detected by surface wettability analysis. The same trend was confirmed by the distribution of reactive oxygen species (ROS), expanding on starch-iodine-agar plates, where a greater area was covered when the APPJ was tilted. Additionally, UV-VUV irradiation profiles obtained from the plasma jet spreading on the surface confirms such behavior.RES-701-3 and RES-701-4 are two class II lasso peptides originally identified in the fermentation broth of Streptomyces sp. RE-896, which have been described as selective endothelin type B receptor antagonists. These two lasso peptides only differ in the identity of the C-terminal residue (tryptophan in RES-701-3, 7-hydroxy-tryptophan in RES-701-4), thus raising an intriguing question about the mechanism behind the modification of the tryptophan residue. In this study, we describe the identification of their biosynthetic gene cluster through the genome mining of the marine actinomycete Streptomyces caniferus CA-271066, its cloning and heterologous expression, and show that the seven open reading frames (ORFs) encoded within the gene cluster are sufficient for the biosynthesis of both lasso peptides. We propose that ResE, a protein lacking known putatively conserved domains, is likely to play a key role in the post-translational modification of the C-terminal tryptophan of RES-701-3 that affords RES-701-4. A BLASTP search with the ResE amino acid sequence shows the presence of homologues of this protein in the genomes of eight other Streptomyces strains, which also harbour the genes encoding the RES-701-3, -4 precursor peptide, split-B proteins and ATP-dependent lactam synthetase required for the biosynthesis of these compounds.Hybrid imaging combining the beneficial properties of radioactivity and optical imaging within one imaging probe has gained increasing interest in radiopharmaceutical research. In this study, we modified the macrocyclic gallium-68 chelator fusarinine C (FSC) by conjugating a fluorescent moiety and tetrazine (Tz) moieties. The resulting hybrid imaging agents were used for pretargeting applications utilizing click reactions with a trans-cyclooctene (TCO) tagged targeting vector for a proof of principle both in vitro and in vivo. Starting from FSC, the fluorophores Sulfocyanine-5, Sulfocyanine-7, or IRDye800CW were conjugated, followed by introduction of one or two Tz motifs, resulting in mono and dimeric Tz conjugates. Evaluation included fluorescence microscopy, binding studies, logD, protein binding, in vivo biodistribution, µPET (micro-positron emission tomography), and optical imaging (OI) studies. 68Ga-labeled conjugates showed suitable hydrophilicity, high stability, and specific targeting properties towards Rituximab-TCO pre-treated CD20 expressing Raji cells. Biodistribution studies showed fast clearance and low accumulation in non-targeted organs for both SulfoCy5- and IRDye800CW-conjugates. In an alendronate-TCO based bone targeting model the dimeric IRDye800CW-conjugate resulted in specific targeting using PET and OI, superior to the monomer. This proof of concept study showed that the preparation of FSC-Tz hybrid imaging agents for pretargeting applications is feasible, making such compounds suitable for hybrid imaging applications.AIM Here, we retrospectively analyzed the success rate of reconstructive microsurgery for tubal infertility (RMTI) as a "first-line" approach to achieving tubal reversal and pregnancy after tubal infertility. PATIENTS AND METHODS During 9 consecutive years (2005-2014), 96 patients diagnosed with obstructive tubal infertility underwent RMTI (tubal reversal, salpingostomy, and/or tubal implantation) in our centre. The outcomes are presented in terms of tubal reversal rate and pregnancy and correlated with age, level of tubal obstruction, and duration of tubal infertility. RESULTS The overall tubal reversal rate was 87.56% (84 patients). The 48-month cumulative pregnancy rate was 78.04% (64 patients), of which seven ectopic pregnancies occurred (8.53%). The reversibility rate for women under 35 yo was 90.47%, with a birth rate of 73.01%. The reconstruction at the infundibular segments favored higher ectopic pregnancy rates (four ectopic pregnancies for anastomosis at infundibular level-57.14%, two for ampullary level-28.57%, and one for replantation technique-14.28%), with a significant value for p less then 0.05. CONCLUSIONS In the context of IVF "industrialization", reconstructive microsurgery for tubal infertility has become increasingly less favored. However, under available expertise and proper indication, RMTI can be successfully used to restore a woman's ability to conceive naturally with a high postoperative pregnancy rate overall, especially in women under 35 yo.Nowadays, highly polar pesticides are not included in multiresidue methods due to their physico-chemical characteristics and therefore, specific analytical methodologies are required for their analysis. Laboratories are still looking for a pluri-residue method that encompasses the largest number of polar pesticides. The aim of this work was the simultaneous determination of ethephon, 2-hydroxyethylphosphonic acid (HEPA), fosetyl aluminum, glyphosate, aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA), N-acetyl-glyphosate and N-acetyl-AMPA in tomatoes, oranges, aubergines and grapes. For that purpose, an ultra high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) coupled to a high resolution single mass spectrometer Orbitrap-MS were used. Different stationary phases were evaluated for chromatographic separation, and among them, the stationary phase Torus DEA provided the best separation of the selected compounds. The QuPPe method was used for the extraction of the analytes, but slight modifications were needed depending on the matrix.