PEGylated interferon α can be used for ribavirin-resistant liver transplant patients with chronic hepatitis E. Further research in therapeutic options is essential considering the stormy course of hepatitis E infection during pregnancy and teratogenicity of all available options. Hepatitis E virus is the most common cause of acute viral hepatitis worldwide. A combination of serology and nucleic acid amplification testing is the recommended strategy for suspected patients. Ribavirin therapy for a period of 3 months is the drug of choice for severe acute hepatitis, acute-on chronic liver failure, and chronic infections from hepatitis E virus in immunocompromised patients who are unresponsive to decreased immunosuppression. PEGylated interferon α can be used for ribavirin-resistant liver transplant patients with chronic hepatitis E. Further research in therapeutic options is essential considering the stormy course of hepatitis E infection during pregnancy and teratogenicity of all available options. At the turn of the nineteenth century, yellow fever (YF) was considered the most dangerous infectious disease with high case fatality. Subsequent, mass vaccination campaigns coupled with widespread elimination of the YF mosquito vector significantly decreased YF cases and reduced outbreaks to the tropical and subtropical forested regions of Africa and South America. However, recent (2016) large outbreaks in Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and South-Eastern Brazil, where previously had been demarcated as low-risk regions, have highlighted the possibility of a rapidly changing epidemiology and the potential re-emergence of yellow fever virus (YFV). Furthermore, the first-ever importation of YFV into Asia has highlighted the potential fear of YFV emerging as a global threat. In this review, we describe the changing epidemiology of YF outbreaks and highlight the use of public health policies, therapeutics, and vaccination as tools to hel