Pregnancy can be a wonderful time for a woman as well as a stressful one. With so many pieces of advice coming from the media, friends, family, books and magazines, it can be a chore to sort through it all and figure out what to do while managing hormonal changes. This article will sort through all the details and lay out some of the most helpful pieces of advice regard your pregnancy. Make sure adjust your diet so that you and your unborn child can receive the nutrients you need. If you ate a lot of fast food before you got pregnant, then you need to make large adjustments. Add healthy foods to your diet such as vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins right away. Exercising when you are pregnant is a wonderful choice to make. You want to start out early in your pregnancy, and remain consistent. This will help you lower your risk of a miscarriage, and can also help shorten how long you are in labor, as well as reducing the risk of having any complications. If you are pregnant and feeling constant cravings, sometimes it may not be wise to fulfill them all. Your developing baby has particular nutritional needs, much like you do. Not all craved foods will satisfy the nutritional needs of your child, so continue to be conscious of what you're eating. When you are in the later stages of pregnancy, especially in your third trimester, try not to travel too much. Some women think that because their due date is a month away, they will not go into labor on the train or plane, only to find themselves delivering their child with no medical assistance. Try not drive alone during the later stages of your pregnancy, just in case you were to go into labor. Being alone in your car when you water breaks can mean you will be yourself when you deliver. This could cause your baby to be born improperly and can cause health problems for you. When you first find out that you are pregnant it is important to tell anyone and everyone that you are close to.