We conclude that AT1R blockade attenuates disuse remodeling by inhibiting Nox2, thereby lessening nNOS dislocation and activation of FoxO3a. Training opportunities to pursue a career in pediatric rehabilitation medicine (PRM) have evolved over the last 40 years, with the most recent change being the development and accreditation of PRM fellowships and subspecialty certification in PRM. Currently the American Board of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (ABPMR) requires all candidates for PRM subspecialty certification to have completed a physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) residency. The small number of certified PRM physicians has prompted debate within the field about permitting pediatricians to enter PRM fellowships without having to complete a PM&R residency. To assess the level of interest within the field of PRM in creating a pathway to PRM for pediatricians. Survey of pediatric physiatrists in the United States in 2017. National. Pediatric physiatrists. Not applicable. Favorability toward pediatricians becoming certified in PRM. Most respondents (62%) were in favor of pediatricians having the opportunity tcertification in PRM after pediatric residency.Oxygen (O2 ) exchange between capillaries and muscle cells in exercising muscles is of great interest for physiology and kinesiology. However, methodical limitations prevent O2 measurements on the millisecond scale. To bypass the constraints of quasi-continuous recording, progressive measurements of O2 partial pressure (PO2 ) in rhythmically contracting skeletal muscle were compiled to describe the O2 kinetics surrounding and including a single muscle contraction. Phosphorescence quenching microscopy measured PO2 in the interstitium of the rat spinotrapezius muscle. Measurements were triggered by contraction-inducing electrical pulses. For the first 60 seconds, measurement preceeded stimulation. After 60, measurement followed with a progressive 20 ms incre