nalysis in mulard and Pekin duck testes. These were important for the normal development of the male duck reproductive system. These data provide a framework for the further exploration of the molecular and genetic mechanisms of sterility in mulard ducks. Highlights. The mulard duck is an intergeneric sterile hybrid offspring resulting from mating between Muscovy and Pekin ducks. The transcriptomes of testis tissue from mulard and Pekin ducks were systematically characterized, and differentially expressed genes were screened, in order to gain insights into potential gonad gene expression mechanisms contributing to genetic sterility in mulard ducks.This report describes a case of unintended importation of tropical baby jumping spiders to a laboratory monkey colony. The spiders were detected in a cocoon attached to a banana for monkey consumption. In identifying the family of spiders as jumping spiders (Salticidae), it turned out that these spiders would not have been venomous to humans and they most likely would not have had the potential to establish a new spider colony in the facility.Comorbidities are common risk factors for rising cardiac troponin in non-acute coronary syndromes conditions. Furthermore, the risk for all-cause mortality appears to be correlated to the troponin levels. Consequently, measurement of cardiac troponin in hospital admission may contribute to predict the mortality risk in elderly patients. Among geriatric patients without acute coronary syndrome, with concomitant diseases, the correct interpretation of elevated cardiac troponin, particularly in emergency conditions poses a diagnostic dilemma. Although in several studies it is suggested that at the presence of comorbidity, there is an increase in cardiac troponin values, the elderly patients have not been included conclusively. In order to assess the diagnostic and prognostic role of cardiac troponin elevation in geriatric patients suffer