This online structured survey has demonstrated the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on vascular services. The majority of centres have documented marked reductions in operating and services provided to vascular patients. In the months during recovery from the resource restrictions imposed during the pandemic peaks, there will be a significant vascular disease burden awaiting surgeons. One of the most affected specialties.The meta-analysis was performed to access the role of N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) orally daily on the sperm parameters and serum hormones in idiopathic infertile men. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) were retrieved using PubMed, EMBASE and Cochrane register databases. The references of included studies were also searched. Finally, three articles including 431 infertile men were analysed. The results indicated that the NAC group had a considerable improvement in sperm concentration (mean difference [MD], 3.80; p less then .00001), ejaculate volume (MD, 0.69; p = .002), sperm motility (MD, 4.69; p less then .0001) and normal morphology (MD, 1.68; p = .0002) compared with the placebo group. However, in terms of serum hormones, the NAC group did not show significant difference in increasing the serum levels of testosterone (MD, 1.35; p = .21), luteinising hormone (MD, 0.82; p = .40), follicle-stimulating hormone (MD, -7.48; p = .29) and prolactin (MD, -0.34; p = .32) compared with the placebo group. In conclusion, NAC orally daily produced a greater improvement in sperm concentration, ejaculate volume, sperm motility and normal morphology for idiopathic infertile men, whereas no significant influence in serum hormones, which required more high-quality RCTs with sufficient sample sizes and statistics to prove. Oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma (OCSCC) is the most common head and neck malignancy. Although the survival rate of patients with advanced-stage disease remains approximately 20% to 60%, when detected at an early stage, the survival rate approaches 80%, posing a pressing need for a well validated profiling method to assess patients who have a high risk of developing OCSCC. Tumor DNA detection in saliva may provide a robust biomarker platform that overcomes the limitations of current diagnostic tests. However, there is no routine saliva-based screening method for patients with OCSCC. The authors designed a custom next-generation sequencing panel with unique molecular identifiers that covers coding regions of 7 frequently mutated genes in OCSCC and applied it on DNA extracted from 121 treatment-naive OCSCC tumors and matched preoperative saliva specimens. By using stringent variant-calling criteria, mutations were detected in 106 tumors, consistent with a predicted detection rate ≥88%. Moreover, mutations identified in primary malignancies were also detected in 93% of saliva samples. To ensure that variants are not errors resulting in false-positive calls, a multistep analytical validation of this approach was performed 1) re-sequencing of 46 saliva samples confirmed 88% of somatic variants; 2) no functionally relevant mutations were detected in saliva samples from 11 healthy individuals without a history of tobacco or alcohol; and 3) using a panel of 7 synthetic loci across 8 sequencing runs, it was confirmed that the platform developed is reproducible and provides sensitivity on par with droplet digital polymerase chain reaction. The current data highlight the feasibility of somatic mutation identification in driver genes in saliva collected at the time of OCSCC diagnosis. The current data highlight the feasibility of somatic mutation identification in driver genes in saliva collected at the time of OCSCC diagnosis.Synthetic biology has been advancing cellular and molecular biology studies through the design of synthetic circuits capable to examine diverse endogenously or exogenously driven regulatory pathways. While early genetic devices were engineered to be insulated from intracellular crosstalk, more recently the need of achieving dynamic control of cellular behavior has led to the development of smart interfaces that connect signal information (sensor) to desired output activation (actuator). Sensor-actuator circuits can respond to diverse inputs, including small molecules, exogenous and endogenous mRNA, noncoding RNA (i.e., miRNA), and proteins to regulate downstream events, transcriptionally, posttranscriptionally, and translationally. These devices require attentive engineering to either create complex chimeric proteins or modify protein structures to be amenable to the specific circuits' architecture and/or purpose.In this chapter, we describe how to implement two different protein-based devices in mammalian cells (1) a modular platform that sense and respond to disease-associated proteins and (2) a protein-based system that allows simultaneous regulation of RNA translation and protein activity, via RNA-protein and newly engineered protein-protein interactions.RNA-seq enables the analysis of gene expression profiles across different conditions and organisms. Gene expression burden slows down growth, which results in poor predictability of gene constructs and product yields. Here, we describe how we applied RNA-seq to study the transcriptional profiles of Escherichia coli when burden is elicited during heterologous gene expression. We then present how we selected early responsive promoters from our RNA-seq results to design sensors for gene expression burden. Finally, we describe how we used one of these sensors to develop a burden-driven feedback regulator to improve cellular fitness in engineered E. coli.One of the fundamental properties of engineered large-scale complex systems is modularity. In synthetic biology, genetic parts exhibit context-dependent behavior. Here, we describe and quantify a major source of such behavior retroactivity. In particular, we provide a step-by-step guide for characterizing retroactivity to restore the modular description of genetic modules. Additionally, we also discuss how retroactivity can be leveraged to quantify and maximize robustness to perturbations due to interconnection of genetic modules.