Clear cell adenocarcinoma (CCA) rarely occurs in men, not to mention in prostate. We reported a 44-year-old male patient who suffered from recurrent dysuria and frequency for 6 months. Transurethral resection of the prostate was performed to relieve bladder outlet obstruction. However, CCA of the prostate was confirmed through pathological examination. A thorough checkup was performed to distinguish it from metastatic clear cell carcinoma from other primary origins. Currently, no consensus for the treatment of CCA of the prostate has been reached. After discussing with the patient, he decided to receive immunotherapy with pembrolizumab. Herein, we reported this rare case of CCA in the prostate.Blunt scrotal trauma results in different forms of injuries such as hematoma, rupture of the testis, and testicular torsion. The diagnosis of trauma-induced testicular torsion in patients with blunt scrotal trauma requires a high index of suspicion. As early diagnosis and management of traumatic testicular torsion obviate testicular losses, an urgent testicular scan is necessary in cases of suspected traumatic torsion, and if not readily available or indeterminate, scrotal exploration is promptly indicated. Reported herein is a case of traumatic testicular torsion which was managed as a straightforward blunt scrotal trauma in a private health facility. He eventually had an orchidectomy when he presented to us 4 months later on account of a marked reduction in testicular volume. This case report reiterates the need to look beyond the obvious in patients with blunt scrotal trauma and the necessity of testicular scan and scrotal exploration in testicular salvage in suspected trauma-induced testicular torsion. The recommended treatment for intermediate and high-risk nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) is adjuvant intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) instillation. However, up to 50% experience tumor recurrences