KGaA, Weinheim.AIM To evaluate the effectiveness of 'First Responder's Care Package' on knowledge and skill on the management of road traffic accident victims. The outcomes relate to the quality of First Responder's care by autorickshaw drivers. METHODS Autorickshaw drivers (N = 1,040) will be assessed to identify the impediments and knowledge to provide the first responder's care to Road Traffic Accident victims following which, 150 autorickshaw drivers will be selected based on a cut-off knowledge score to train half of them using workshops. Drivers below 55 years and willing to participate will be recruited and drivers with serious health issues, hemophobia and who cannot read English or Kannada will be excluded. Randomized controlled trial with repeated measures design will be adopted. Funding for the research is by the Indian Council of Medical Research and it is registered in the Clinical Trial Registry of India. DISCUSSION Road traffic accidents are responsible for 85% of the total global mortality and 90% of the 'Disability Adjusted Life Years' in the developing countries amounting to an annual loss of $65 billion to $100billion. India's rate of road traffic accident deaths is high and post-crash care is not addressed efficiently by any agencies in India. Autorickshaw drivers could be ideal candidates for teaching the first responder's care package in India as they are a constant presence on the roads and reach all the main roads and small lanes of the country. IMPACT The research will add to knowledge on quality of First Responder's care provided to accident victims. If the intervention is found to be fruitful for the accident victims of the locality, it can be recommended to be implemented all over the state. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.In December of 2019, reports emerged of pneumonia clusters of unknown cause at health facilities in Wuhan, China. These cases were linked to a wet animal wholesale market in the region and, after extensive epidemiologic investigation, led to identification of a novel coronavirus (COVID-19). COVID-19 is among a family of viruses-called coronaviruses-that can affect both humans and animals (Zhu et al., 2020). This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES Infantile hemangiomas (IH) are common vascular tumors that appear early in life, have a rapid proliferative phase and slowly involute. There are no standardized ways to evaluate the regression of these lesions. We propose a colorimetric analysis of photographs to allow a more precise determination of IH treatment response and involution. METHODS Patients 1-10 months of age with superficial or mixed IH were included. The lesions were managed with 0.5% topical timolol ophthalmic solution. Patients were followed for 16 weeks with 6 evaluations each. Photographic images were taken with a red and green circle placed beside each hemangioma. The photographs were treated as to equalize the size, color, and brightness among them based on the colors of the two circles. A grading scale was established based on the color of the patient skin (0) and the color of the hemangioma at the beginning of treatment (100) by pixel analysis using Adobe Photoshop® software. RESULTS A total of 17 patients 1 to 10 months of age were included, of whom 16 were girls (94%). Fourteen lesions were superficial, and 3 were mixed IH. The median time prior to initiation of treatment was 105 days (44-232). All lesions showed some degree of clearing. The mean of lightening of color intensity observed was of 45% (17%-74%) over the period of follow-up. CONCLUSIONS The colorimetric analysis of the digital images allowed an accurate and objective evaluation of IH clearing. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Retraction 'At diabetes-like concentration, glucose down-regulates the placental serotonin transport system in a cell-cycle-dependent manner,' by Unal R., Ahmed B.A., Jeffus B.C., Harney J.T., Lyle C.S., Wu Y.-K., Chambers T.C., Reece E.A. and Kilic F., Journal of Neurochemistry 101(4) 937-948, 2007 (https// The above article, published online on 23rd January 2007 in Wiley Online Library (, has been retracted by agreement between the Journal's Editor in Chief, Jörg B. Schulz, and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. The article has been retracted because of inconsistencies with the presentation of some critical data and the inability of the author to provide the original data or to otherwise provide corrections for publication in a corrigendum. A detailed explanation is provided below. The corresponding author, Dr. Fusun Kilic, notified the Journal's Editorial Office of the following concerns related to the article that were brought to his attention Figures 2ar identical, as well as lanes 3, 5, and 7. The problems are highlighted in the following screenshot of Figure 7B. © 2020 International Society for Neurochemistry.PURPOSE To examine the differences and correlations among pain, depressive symptoms, and constipation in smokers and non smokers. DESIGN AND METHODS The present study was a cross-sectional study that used descriptive correlations. This study was a secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial. FINDINGS Smokers had more pain, depressive symptoms, and constipation than non smokers. Smokers had similar serotonin levels compared with non smokers. Positive correlations were observed between constipation and serum serotonin levels (r = .19, P = .039, n = 116), between constipation and depressive symptoms (r = .18, P = .023, n = 164), and between constipation and pain (r = .23, P = .004, n = 164) in smokers. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS Health professionals should assess and treat patients with the knowledge that the severity of pain, depression, and constipation may be greater in smokers than in non smokers. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a common injury modality affecting a diverse patient population. Axonal injury occurs when the brain experiences excessive deformation as a result of head impact. Previous studies have shown that the arachnoid trabeculae (AT) in the subarachnoid space significantly influence the magnitude and distribution of brain deformation during impact. However, the quantity and spatial distribution of cranial AT in humans is unknown. Quantification of these microstructural features will improve understanding of force transfer during TBI, and may be a valuable dataset for microneurosurgical procedures. In this study, we quantify the spatial distribution of cranial AT in seven post-mortem human subjects. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) was used to conduct in situ imaging of AT microstructure across the surface of the human brain. OCT images were segmented to quantify the relative amounts of trabecular structures through a volume fraction (VF) measurement. The average VF for each brain ranged from 22.