Fractions of lingonberry leaves and fruits, obtained by the last fractionation step, proved to be the most active against tested cancer cell lines and possessed the greatest antioxidant activity. In this perspective, the predominant compounds of these fractions-polymeric and mainly A-type dimeric proanthocyanidins-also quercetin can be considered to be anticancer and antioxidant activity markers of lingonberries.Bovine babesiosis is a global tick-borne disease that causes important cattle losses and has potential zoonotic implications. The impact of bovine babesiosis in Turkey remains poorly characterized, but several Babesia spp., including B. bovis, B. bigemina, and B. divergens, among others and competent tick vectors, except Rhipicephalus microplus, have been recently identified in the country. Bovine babesiosis has been reported in all provinces but is more prevalent in central and highly humid areas in low and medium altitude regions of the country housing approximately 70% of the cattle population. Current control measures include acaricides and babesicidal drugs, but not live vaccines. Despite the perceived relevant impact of bovine babesiosis in Turkey, basic research programs focused on developing in vitro cultures of parasites, point-of-care diagnostic methods, vaccine development, "omics" analysis, and gene manipulation techniques of local Babesia strains are scarce. Additionally, no effective and coordinated control efforts managed by a central animal health authority have been established to date. Development of state-of-the-art research programs in bovine babesiosis to address current gaps in knowledge and implementation of long-term plans to control the disease will surely result in important economic, nutritional, and public health benefits for the country and the region.Thymoquinone (TQ), the chief active constituent of Nigella sativa (NS), shows very valuable biomedical properties such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive, hypoglycemic, antiparasitic and anti-asthmatic effects. Several studies have examined the pharmacological actions of TQ in the treatment of oral diseases but its potential role in periodontal therapy and regeneration is not yet fully defined. The present investigation has been designed to review the scientific studies about the effects of TQ as an adjunct to periodontal treatment to promote healing and periodontal regeneration. Along with clinical experiments, in vitro studies exhibit the beneficial effects of TQ during periodontal therapy. Nevertheless, additional comprehensive clinical and preclinical studies at cellular and molecular levels are essential to examine the particular action mechanisms of Nigella sativa and its elements, particularly TQ, during periodontal treatment or regeneration.Low winter temperatures in some regions have a negative impact on animal performance, behavior, and welfare. The objective of this study was to evaluate some physiological, metabolic, and lactational responses of dairy goats exposed to cold temperatures for 3 weeks. Eight Murciano-Granadina dairy goats (41.8 kg body weight, 70 days in milk, and 2.13 kg/day milk) were used from mid-January to mid-March. Goats were divided into 2 balanced groups and used in a crossover design with 2 treatments in 2 periods (21 days each, 14 days adaptation and 7 days for measurements). After the first period, goats were switched to the opposite treatment. The treatments included 2 different controlled climatic conditions with different temperature-humidity index (THI) values. The treatments were thermoneutral conditions (TN; 15 to 20 °C, 45% humidity, THI = 58 to 65), and cold temperature (CT; -3 to 6 °C, 63% humidity, THI = 33 to 46). Goats were fed ad libitum a total mixed ration (70% forage and 30% concentrate) and water wasmatocrit, and hemoglobin increased or tended to increase by CT, whereas BHB and triglycerides decreased. Overall, CT goats produced less but concentrated milk compared to TN goats. Despite similar feed intake and blood insulin levels CT goats had increased blood glucose and NEFA levels. The tendency of increased blood NEFA indicates that CT goats mobilized body fat reserves to cover the extra energy needed for heat production under cold conditions.Working dog organisations regularly assess the behaviour of puppies to monitor progression. Here, we tested the predictive validity (for predicting success in guide dog training) of a shortened version of a previously developed juvenile dog behaviour questionnaire (the refined puppy walker questionnaire, r-PWQ) and compared it with the Canine Behavioral Assessment and Research Questionnaire (C-BARQ). The r-PWQ is used by Guide Dogs UK, whereas the C-BARQ was designed for pet dogs and is used by some other guide dog schools internationally. A cohort of dogs aged eight months (n = 359) were scored concurrently on the r-PWQ and C-BARQ. Analogous traits between the questionnaires were evaluated for internal consistency and association with training outcome and compared for concurrent validity. The r-PWQ was associated with training outcome for five scales (r-Excitability, Trainability, Animal Chase, r-Attachment and attention seeking and Distractibility) and the C-BARQ for two scales (Excitability and Separation-related behaviour). There were significant correlations between analogous C-BARQ and r-PWQ trait scores (p less then 0.001) except for Separation-related behaviour and questionnaire scales had similar internal consistencies. The r-PWQ may be more suitable to use with guide dog schools. However, due to the correlation between analogous scales (except for "Distractibility") some scales could be substituted for one another when reviewing the behaviour of dogs between guide dog schools using different questionnaires.This article presents B-mode and color Doppler imaging of the prostate and testes in dogs suffering from benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), and receiving deslorelin acetate (SuprelorinTM) or osaterone acetate (YpozaneTM). The study was planned as a controlled clinical trial, dogs were divided into negative control (healthy dogs, n = 10), positive control (dogs with BPH, n = 10), and study groups, III (n = 15), receiving deslorelin acetate (DA), and IV (n = 10), receiving osaterone acetate (OA). The B-mode appearance of the prostate parenchyma improved in all investigated dogs from the DA group, and in 60% of OA dogs. Prostate volume was reduced more quickly with OA (from D14), but lasting for a shorter time (on average up to week 20), compared to DA that reduced the prostate volume more slowly (>8 weeks), but the reduction remained longer (>24 weeks). The systolic peak velocity (SPV) and mean velocity (Vmean) were higher in all dogs diagnosed with BPH, compared to Control Group I. The indices did not change in both Control Groups I and II, whereas in study Groups III and IV they decreased throughout the study period compared to day 0 and Control Group II.