Finally, subjects receiving sport cream + SM reported a more remarkable decrease in skin temperature in the affected area associated to an improvement in clinical symptoms. Finally, subjects receiving sport cream + SM reported a more remarkable decrease in skin temperature in the affected area associated to an improvement in clinical symptoms.This article confirms that industry compliance and enforcement processes are an essential consideration in the growing pantheon of legal and commercial determinants of public health. While alcohol control laws vary between individual jurisdictions, their development and application are confronted by a common threat of undue industry influence or capture. This necessitates a greater understanding of this phenomenon to better inform a collective and effective international public health response. New South Wales Australia, has developed a layer of alcohol industry compliance laws in the form of disciplinary schemes. This article critically explicates the first of these, the Violent Venues Scheme (VVS), to determine the nature and extent of any capture. This would significantly compromise harm minimisation statutory objects and disrupt the democratic process and the rule of law. In contrast, an influential industry identity, attributed the earlier last drinks laws, VVS and a related scheme as causing the alleged destruction of Sydney's nighttime economy and fun. The research also analyses the indispensible role of a neoliberal paradigm in legitimising exclusive relationships between governments and industry. This is indelibly imprinted on the alcohol regulatory landscape.A major postpartum depression may develop insidiously and go untreated and represent a potentially serious hazard to the wellbeing of both the mother and her child or children. Infanticide is the term used to describe the deliberate act of a parent killing their own young child. The original Infanticide Act 1922 of England and Wales applied to a woman who caused the death of her "newly born" child at the time when she had not fully recovered from the effect of giving birth to such child and by reason thereof "the balance of her mind was disturbed". The subsequent Infanticide Act 1938 (1 & 2 Geo 6, c 36) provided that the victim child could be any age up to 12 months. After reviewing the phenomenology of postpartum depression, maternal child murder (infanticide and filicide) and post-traumatic stress disorder, this article examines the recommendations of various law reform commissions and the development of infanticide statutes in Australia and New Zealand. The article compares and contrasts the different provisions and concludes with some recommendations for law reform.Australian and international nursing regulators have specific requirements for continuing competence and the professional, safe practice of nurses and midwives. Requirements can dictate duration of practice, time away from/recency of practice, revalidation policies, and time between study program completion and practice commencement. Requirements vary between contexts and are periodically updated. To identify and examine Australian and international evidence for best regulatory practices relating to recency and the maintenance of professional competence among nurses and midwives, a scoping review based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews will be undertaken. This protocol details the scope, inclusion criteria, and methodology that will guide the scoping review, which will inform an update to the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia's Registration Standard Recency of Practice.The duty of care in cases of negligently inflicted psychiatric injury has long been limited using a number of mechanisms, all with the intention of ensuring that the ambit of liability remains within manageable bounds. These limiting mechanisms, now known in Australia as "considerations" relevant to an overriding test of reasonable foreseeability, have commonly been criticised as lacking in principled foundations, leading to a number of calls for their abandonment. This article extends these arguments, contending that the court's consideration of whether the plaintiff and a person seriously injured or killed were in a close and loving relationship can also be understood on normative grounds. In particular, the court's consideration of this factor can be regarded as principled from the perspective of Aristotelian corrective justice.Clinical issues involving ethical dilemmas arise daily and confound physicians as they provide medical care. These dilemmas require difficult decisions as physicians must respect patients' values, lifestyles, and freedom of choice while protecting life and promoting health. This is made more challenging as values and lifestyles become more diverse, making third-party support necessary to accommodate the wishes of stakeholders, particularly patients. Collaborative work is important for addressing clinical ethics issues. Government agencies and professional organisations should discuss individual cases as public policy concerns and release guidelines based on their deliberations. Medical institutions should refer to such guidelines in their own discussions on ethically challenging cases. This is not the case today as each organisation creates its own guidelines; there is no consensus on how clinical ethics committees or consultations should be conducted. Support systems that are public in nature are needed to protect patients' rights and freedoms in medical care.Between 1975 and 1985, the chemicals that make up Agent Orange were used by the Western Australian government in weed-spraying programs across the Kimberley region. A majority of weed-sprayers hired by the government were Aboriginal and worked without personal protective equipment. A large number of former sprayers have died or deal with negative health consequences as a result, yet few sprayers have ever been compensated. This article explores alternative mechanisms for compensating the former sprayers and their families through a two-part question (1) how were 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 2,4,5-tri-chloro-phenoxy-acetic acid made available for use by Commonwealth and State governments; and (2) were government bodies negligent in allowing the use of these chemicals?