Biomonitoring of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in hair is conventionally achieved by SPE extraction and liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole analysis, with sensitivities in the range of ng/g. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a rapid method to detect 20 perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in human hair from general populations by SPE purification and liquid-chromatography coupled to accurate mass measurement (LC-QTOF). The obtained sensitivities (LOQ), linearity and RSD accuracies were respectively in the range of 0.07-0.5 ng/g, 0.1 (or 0.2 or 0.5)-10 ng/g, 1-16%. To verify the applicability of the method, 11 hair samples from volunteers were tested. The detected PFAS were PFBA (range 0.24-14.6 ng/g), PFBS (0.496 ng/g), PFOA (range 0.08-0.178 ng/g) and PFOS ( less then LOQ-0.239 ng/g). The results were compared in terms of detection frequency and abundance with previously published studies. The method proved useful for the determination of the tested PFAS in the hair matrix.Radius and ulna fractures can be detected in dogs with an incidence of 18.0% and occur more frequently in toy breeds with increased complication rates. The reasons for the predisposition and the increased complication rate of antebrachial fractures in toy breeds are not yet fully understood. The aim of this study was to research the associated mechanisms by investigating the trabecular structure parameters (BV/TV (%), Tb.N (mm-1), Tb.Th (mm), Tb.Sp (mm), Conn. D (mm-3), DA) and the cortical bone density (Mean Density (mg HA/ccm)) for toy breeds and small dogs of other breeds using microcomputed tomography and to identify the differences between both groups. A total of 70 forearms, originating from toy breeds (n = 36) and small dogs of other breeds (n = 34) were evaluated by microcomputed tomography. The results of this study showed a lower bone volume fraction (BV/TV), more (Tb.N) but thinner trabeculae (Tb.Th) with greater separation (Tb.Sp) and decreased diaphyseal cortical density (Mean Density) in toy breed dogs. This could thus contribute to the increased risk of antebrachial fractures in toy breeds. Within the group of toy breeds inhomogeneous results were observed, whereby the values of the Chihuahuas deviated. This breed had significantly thinner trabeculae (Tb.Th) with a greater trabecular separation (Tb.Sp), lower bone volume fraction (BV/TV) and significantly lower diaphyseal cortical density (Mean Density). These parameters could therefore indicate an increased antebrachial fracture and complication risk, especially in Chihuahuas.Mixed iron hydroxides (MIHs) modified with different amino-based polymeric materials, including aminopropyltriethoxysilane, polydopamine, diaminobenzoic acid, polyaniline, and polyphenylenediamine, were comparatively investigated as sorbents for the extraction of phenol compounds. Polyphenylenediamine-modified mixed iron hydroxides (MIH@PPDA) showed high adsorption capability for most target analytes. Its ferromagnetic behavior, with a magnetization of 17.38 emu g-1, was sufficient for subsequent use in magnetic solid-phase extraction (MSPE). The functional groups, morphology, and magnetic properties of this magnetic nanomaterial were investigated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, vibrating sample magnetometry, X-ray diffraction, and CHN analysis. High-performance liquid chromatography with a photodiode array detector was used to quantify phenol compounds. The experimental parameters affecting the efficiency of the entire MSPE process were optimized. Good linearity in the range of 0.5-1000 µg L-1 was obtained (depended on the compound). The detection and quantitation limits varied from 0.01 to 0.3 µg L-1 and 0.03 to 0.9 µg L-1, respectively. The enrichment factors for all phenol compounds were in the range of 80-285. The precision in terms of intra- and inter-day relative standard deviations were below 5.8% and 6.2%, respectively. The developed MSPE method was applied to analyze phenol compounds in diverse samples, including soil, drinking water, and fruit. Relative recoveries of 76.7-130.1% were obtained. The MIH@PPDA magneto-polymeric sorbent exhibits good stability and is reliable for a variety of phenol compounds.This review specifically examines the development of sample preparation methods for residue analyses of neonicotinoid insecticides in agricultural and environmental matrices. Pesticide residue analysis is fundamentally important to ensure the safety of foods and processed foods of plant and animal origin, and to preserve the environment, particularly soil and water. For the development of pesticide residue analysis, the sample preparation process is an important key to maximizing the analytical performance of highly sensitive and accurate chromatographic instruments and to acquiring reliable analytical results. This review outlines sample preparation methods that have been proposed to date for extraction of neonicotinoids that might remain in a complicated sample matrix in quantitatively trace amounts, and for cleaning up, to the greatest extent possible, the interfering components that coexist in the sample extract. To generate greater awareness of the contextual and relational factors that influence women's capacity to participate in shared decision-making during childbirth. A three-phase participatory action research approach involving in-depth interviews and co-operative inquiry meetings. Dublin, Ireland in a large maternity hospital. Five postnatal women who gave birth to live healthy babies, and attended obstetric or midwifery-led care and 13 practising midwives. This paper presents the findings from the third phase of a three-phase action research study exploring the action's women consider necessary to embed informed choice, into practice. The findings reveal that multiple organisational and relational factors influence how women can participate in shared decision-making including the model of care they attended, continuity of carer, power dynamics, hospital policies and trust in self and others. Women's relationships with maternity care professionals reveals that exercising choice is not only defined by but contingent on the degree of trust in their relationships with maternity care professionals.