We determined our review by aiming our future directions such as the "dream it and make it feasible" technology.We document the utility for in situ Rb-Sr dating of a one-of-a-kind tribrid mass spectrometer, 'Proteus', coupled to a UV laser ablation system. Proteus combines quadrupole mass-filter, collision cell and sector magnet with a multicollection inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometer (CC-MC-ICPMS/MS). Compared to commercial, single collector, tribrid inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometers (CC-ICPMS/MS) Proteus has enhanced ion transmission and offers simultaneous collection of all Sr isotopes using an array of Faraday cups. These features yield improved precision in measured 87Sr/86Sr ratios, for a given mass of Sr analysed, approximately a factor of 25 in comparison to the Thermo Scientific™ iCAP TQ™ operated under similar conditions. Using SF6 as a reaction gas on Proteus, measurements of Rb-doped NIST SRM (standard reference material) 987 solutions, with Rb/Sr ratios from 0.01-100, yield 87Sr/86Sr that are indistinguishable from un-doped NIST SRM 987, demonstrating quantitative 'chemical resolutiohron slope 5× less precise than Proteus. We use an uncertainty model to illustrate the advantage of using Proteus over single collector CC-ICPMS/MS for in situ Rb-Sr dating. The results of this model show that the improvement is most marked for samples that have low Rb/Sr ( less then 10) or are young ( less then 100 Ma). We also report the first example of an in situ, internal Rb-Sr isochron from a single potassium-feldspar grain. Using a sample from the Shap granite, we obtained accurate age and initial 87Sr/86Sr with 95% confidence intervals of ±1.5% and ±0.03% respectively. Such capabilities offer new opportunities in geochronological studies.Major incidents are serious events with broad-reaching consequences that require extraordinary solutions to be implemented. They call for a team-based a