9-3.4 × 1.6-1.8 µm and thriving on rotten wood of angiosperms. The Mediterranean basin is known to be the cradle of many endemic species. Within mayflies (Insecta, Ephemeroptera), North African species belonging to the family Baetidae remain poorly known and, traditionally, affinities to European fauna were proposed. Recent studies, based on molecular reconstructions, showed closer relationships to Mediterranean islands fauna. Baetidae were sampled from North-West Algerian wadis (Tafna basin) and involved in COI barcoding reconstructions. Seven species were identified. The subgenus Rhodobaetis is represented by known previously from Macaronesian islands, Europe and Morocco and the Maghrebian endemic . Specimens, previously identified as Cloeon cf. dipterum, correspond to and, until now, only reported from Macaronesia. Besides the confirmation of endemicity of some species, such as and , our molecular study showed quite original results for relationships between European, insular and Algerian species. stood out as a North African endemic sister clade tnsular and Algerian species. Baetis maurus stood out as a North African endemic sister clade to an Iberian clade. Furthermore, we found clear interspecific distances between Algerian and European clades for A. cf. sinaica and B. cf. pavidus, suggesting the presence of cryptic species in Algeria. However, additional studies are needed, as, for the moment, no clear morphological characters were found to separate the different clades and support them as valid species.Work on the catalogue of type specimens of vascular plants deposited in the KRAM herbarium has highlighted uncertainties and errors in references to place of valid publication of numerous taxa described by Hugo Zapałowicz in his Conspectus florae Galiciae criticus - Krytyczny przegląd roślinności Galicyi (1904-1914). Zapałowicz published his work in an excerpt series, a serial publication and a multi-