People living with HIV (PLWH) are commonly coinfected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, particularly in high-transmission resource-limited regions. Despite expanded access to antiretroviral therapy and tuberculosis (TB) treatment, TB remains the leading cause of death among PLWH. This review discusses recent advances in the management of TB in PLWH and examines emerging therapeutic approaches to improve outcomes of HIV-associated TB. Three recent key developments have transformed the management of HIV-associated TB. First, the scaling-up of rapid point-of-care urine-based tests for screening and diagnosis of TB in PLWH has facilitated early case detection and treatment. Second, increasing the availability of potent new and repurposed drugs to treat drug-resistant TB has generated optimism about the treatment and outcome of multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant TB. Third, expanded access to the integrase inhibitor dolutegravir to treat HIV in resource-limited regions has simplified the management of TB/HIV coinfected patients and minimized serious adverse events. While it is unequivocal that substantial progress has been made in early detection and treatment of HIV-associated TB, significant therapeutic challenges persist. To optimize the management and outcomes of TB in HIV, therapeutic approaches that target the pathogen as well as enhance the host response should be explored. While it is unequivocal that substantial progress has been made in early detection and treatment of HIV-associated TB, significant therapeutic challenges persist. To optimize the management and outcomes of TB in HIV, therapeutic approaches that target the pathogen as well as enhance the host response should be explored. Evidence of the protective effect of voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) against HIV is well established. However, evidence of the protective effect of VMMC against other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) has been inconsistent or scarce across different populations and settings. This review summarizes the current evidence on the effect of VMMC for HIV prevention on acquisition and transmission of other STIs in heterosexual men, women, and men who have sex with men (MSM). Recent findings continue to strongly support the protective effect of male medical circumcision against acquisition and transmission of herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2), human papillomavirus (HPV) and syphilis infections in heterosexual men and women, and bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis in women. There is emerging evidence on the protective effect of VMMC against acquisition of hepatitis B and Mycoplasma genitalium infections in heterosexual men, and HSV-2, HPV, and syphilis in MSM. Evidence on the protective effect of VMMC against acquisition and transmission of common STIs is available for heterosexual men and women but more evidence is required for MSM. This review supports policy recommendations for the protective benefits of VMMC against STIs. Evidence on the protective effect of VMMC against acquisition and transmission of common STIs is available for heterosexual men and women but more evidence is required for MSM. This review supports policy recommendations for the protective benefits of VMMC against STIs.Associations between substance use disorders (SUDs) and outbreaks of HIV and acute viral hepatitis have received considerable attention, but less research has focused on links between SUDs and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), apart from alcohol misuse. This narrative review describes the history of this public health crisis in the US and direct and indirect effects opioids and specific stimulants have on high risk sexual behaviors. We also review the epidemiology of STIs associated with opioids and stimulants in the U.S. and discuss opportunities for integrated interventions. Clinical prediction rules (CPRs) can be used in STI testing environments to prioritize individuals at highest risk of infection and optimize resource allocation. We previously derived a CPR to predict asymptomatic chlamydia and/or gonorrhea (CT/NG) infection among women and heterosexual men at in-person STI clinics based on five predictors. Population differences between clinic-based and internet-based testers may limit the tool's application across settings. The primary objective of this study was to assess the validity, sensitivity, and overall performance of this CPR within an internet-based testing environment ( We analyzed GetCheckedOnline online risk assessment and laboratory data from 10/2015-06/2019. We compared the STI clinic population used for CPR derivation (data previously published) and the GetCheckedOnline validation population using chi-square tests. Calibration and discrimination were assessed using the Hosmer-Lemeshow (H-L) goodness-of-fit test and the Area Under thource allocation within publicly-funded health systems.Diarrhea is a major cause of infant mortality. Being a "nonsecretor" (having an inactive fucosyltransferase-2 gene) protects against diarrhea by inhibiting enteric infections. Breastfeeding also protects against diarrhea; however, the impact of maternal secretor status is unknown. In the ALSPAC cohort (N = 4971), we found that breastfeeding by nonsecretor mothers was especially protective against diarrhea, which could inform new prevention strategies.Coccidioidal meningitis remains difficult to treat. The newer triazole, isavuconazole, has demonstrated efficacy in invasive fungal disease with less side effects than other azoles. We describe a case of refractory pediatric coccidioidal meningitis with disease stabilization and improvement on isavuconazole after failing treatment with other antifungal agents.Rapid response is a common term in hospital settings, reflecting immediate clinical response to a critical challenge. In preparation for the oncoming pandemic of novel coronavirus 2019, nurse leaders within a large health system in the Mountain West region implemented a rapid response to prepare nondirect care registered nurses for deployment to the bedside. This article highlights the prompt action, organization, and implementation of this process, as well as the lessons learned for future events.