ADD Symptoms May Be Different For Boys and Girls ADD symptoms may be different for boys and girls. People who are primarily inattentional ADD are unable to focus and are easily distracted. They often forget daily tasks. Avoids or dislikes tasks that require a sustained mental effort (e.g. Schoolwork and chores. Sometimes, parents forget to pay bills or return phone calls. Inattentive ADD Often overlooked, the predominantly inattentive form of ADHD can be one of the most difficult symptoms of this condition. While everyone loses their keys or forgets to pay their phone bill at times, if these mistakes become an everyday occurrence that interferes with your daily functioning and overall well-being it could be an indication of inattentive ADD. People with inattention ADHD may struggle to see projects through to completion. They are constantly distracted by internal and external distractions. Their home or work environment is often messy or unorganized. They could also be consistently late for school or work. They often forget important documents and forget appointments. Inattention-deficient ADD adults frequently find it difficult to follow written instructions and often make naive mistakes in their work. They are prone to lose track of conversations and meetings and are often referred to as "space cadets" or "flaky." Children with this type of ADHD struggle at school because they're not always paying attention. They are easily distracted by daydreaming or looking out the window. They often forget to turn in homework and struggle with instructions or listening to class. They are rushed through exams and often forget to answer questions they already know the answers to. The consequences of not proofreading documents or emails carefully can be devastating at work. Inattentive ADD can be treated by using medications and behavioral therapy. Stimulants are effective and quickly to alleviate ADD symptoms. are stimulants.