How to Build an Electric Fireplace For Media Wall A media wall is an arrangement of your speakers, TV and gaming devices, along with a fire that is cozy. Follow this guide to create the perfect electric fireplace for your media wall. Follow the manufacturer's directions for installation to ensure that the device is properly mounted. Avoid blocking air intakes to prevent overheating and ensure safe operation. Aesthetics A media wall that has an electric fire is a stunning, customisable feature. The flame effects are designed to replicate the stunning dancing of real flames transforming the TV into an eye-catching focal point that draws attention from family and friends alike. They are sleek and minimalist in appearance, allowing them to blend seamlessly into walls. These fireplaces do not emit smoke and therefore are an ideal choice for homes with pets or children who are young. There's also no chance of a rogue spark setting off an unwelcome firework display. These fires can be installed on a flat wall or a stud wall and are perfect for those who like the warmth of a fireplace without the hassle of maintenance. A lot of these models are customisable to fit the room. Different colour options are available for both hearth and the logs. You can even change the height of the fire and decide if you would like the flame effect to be visible from the side or from the front. The flame effect can be altered at the touch of an button to match your mood. There are a variety of fuel beds to choose from such as pebbles and wood crystals, slate, and pebbles. The addition of an electric fireplace to a media wall can transform your home's ambience and make it feel cozy and warm. It can even be a complement to your central heating system and offer some extra warmth for those who are particularly chilly. It is crucial to keep in mind that electric fireplaces don't generate much he