Truck Accident Safety Features If you or someone you love was involved in a collision with a truck get in touch with an experienced New York truck accident attorney immediately. They can assist in investigating the cause of the accident and determine if there was any negligence on the part the trucking company or the driver. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, nearly half of rollovers involving trucks are caused because of the failure to adjust the speed to an angle. Other factors include not taking the condition of the brakes while making a turn and the condition of the intersection or road and the load being transported. Brakes The brakes on trucks are one of the most vital security features, as they can be a factor in preventing deadly and fatal accidents. Brakes are designed to stop a truck, however they must be maintained in order to work effectively. A brake issue that isn't caught and fixed in time could be catastrophic for truckers as well as other motorists on the road, leading to the death of a person or property damage. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration about a third of the large truck accidents are caused by brake failures or malfunctions. In many instances this could be traced to improper maintenance or a defective repair. If you've been injured or a loved one has been killed in a truck accident that was caused by brake failure the first thing you should do is seek legal advice from an experienced Syracuse personal injury lawyer. These cases can raise a lot of complex legal issues that require a skilled lawyer to guide you through your rights. One of the main reasons why brakes fail on trucks is because the driver misuses them. Drivers can misuse their brakes by applying them too quickly to steep slopes or they might forget to check their air pressure and drive at low pressure. This kind of reckless behaviour can cause a brake fail and can injure the other p