Compared with the pre-splint baseline period, the insertion of the thickened splint resulted in a highly significant reduction of sleep disruption, nocturnal headaches, and nightmares. A second seven-night control period without the splint was followed by a second seven-night period with the splint, reproducing the effectiveness of the first splinting period. The results of this study provide the first systematic, documented proof of concept of the effectiveness of a modified splinting procedure in reducing key nocturnal symptoms in PTSD patients. The results of this study provide the first systematic, documented proof of concept of the effectiveness of a modified splinting procedure in reducing key nocturnal symptoms in PTSD patients.A new species of Eigenmannia is described from the Rio Paraná (the Grande, Paranapanema and Tietê basins). This new species is distinguished from all congeners by colouration pattern, position of the mouth, relative depth of posterodorsal expansion on infraorbitals 1 + 2, number of teeth, osteological features, number of rows of scales above lateral line (LL) and morphometric data. Comments on the widened cephalic lateral-line canals of Sternopygidae and a dichotomous key to the species of Eigenmannia from the Rio Paraná Basin are provided.This paper presents two cross-sectional survey studies, both conducted in Britain, which focus on how different cultural identities are managed in multicultural settings. Specifically, the studies explored the extent to which essentialism moderates the perceived compatibility of acculturation orientations, heritage culture maintenance and majority culture adoption. In study 1, participants (N = 198) were Somali minority members living in the UK. It was found when minority members essentialized Britishness themselves, and when they perceived that British people essentialized Britishness, they saw a desire to maintain the culture of origin and a desire adopt the majority culture as conflicting with each other. In study 2, participants (N = 200) were white British majority members living in the UK. Findings showed that when white British majority members essentialized Britishness, they too perceived the two acculturation preferences as being incompatible with each other. Taken together, these studies show that essentializing British identity can lead to a view that the majority and minority cultures are mutually exclusive. Implications for intergroup relations and integration into British society are discussed. Low-dose ketamine can reduce the minimum alveolar concentration of sevoflurane necessary to block the adrenergic response (MAC ) in animals. However, the effects of low-dose ketamine on the sevoflurane MAC in patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery are unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of three different low doses of ketamine on the MAC of sevoflurane in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. One hundred patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy were enrolled. After general anaesthesia induction and tracheal intubation, patients received sevoflurane anaesthesia in combination with a loading dose of saline followed by infusion or a loading dose of 0.5mg/kg ketamine followed by a continuous infusion of 5 (K group), 10 (K group) and 20μg/kg/min (K group). The target concentration of end-tidal sevoflurane was maintained for at least 20minutes before carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum stimulus. The MAC of sevoflurane in each group was determined by un patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. A loading dose of 0.5 mg/kg ketamine followed by a continuous infusion of 10.0 μg/kg/min led to a significant decrease in the MACBAR of sevoflurane in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy.Both, jawless and jawed vertebrates possess three lymphocyte lineages defined by highly diverse antigen receptors Two T-cell- and one B-cell-like lineage. In both phylogenetic groups, the theoretically possible number of individual antigen receptor specificities can even outnumber that of lymphocytes of a whole organism. Despite fundamental differences in structure and genetics of these antigen receptors, convergent evolution led to functional similarities between the lineages. Jawed vertebrates possess αβ and γδ T-cells defined by eponymous αβ and γδ T-cell antigen receptors (TCRs). "Conventional" αβ T-cells recognize complexes of Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) class I and II molecules and peptides. Non-conventional T-cells, which can be αβ or γδ T-cells, recognize a large variety of ligands and differ strongly in phenotype and function between species and within an organism. This review describes similarities and differences of non-conventional T-cells of various species and discusses ligands and functions of their TCRs. A special focus is laid on Vγ9Vδ2 T-cells whose TCRs act as sensors for phosphorylated isoprenoid metabolites, so-called phosphoantigens (PAg), associated with microbial infections or altered host metabolism in cancer or after drug treatment. We discuss the role of butyrophilin (BTN)3A and BTN2A1 in PAg-sensing and how species comparison can help in a better understanding of this human Vγ9Vδ2 T-cell subset.Birds and their ornithodiran ancestors are unique among vertebrates in exhibiting air-filled sinuses in their postcranial bones, a phenomenon called postcranial skeletal pneumaticity. The factors that account for serial and interspecific variation in postcranial skeletal pneumaticity are poorly understood, although body size, ecology, and bone biomechanics have all been implicated as influencing the extent to which pneumatizing epithelia invade the skeleton and induce bone resorption. Here, I use high-resolution computed-tomography to holistically quantify vertebral pneumaticity in members of the neognath family Ciconiidae (storks), with pneumaticity measured as the relative volume of internal air space. These data are used to describe serial variation in extent of pneumaticity and to assess whether and how pneumaticity varies with the size and shape of a vertebra. Pneumaticity increases dramatically from the middle of the neck onwards, contrary to previous predictions that cervical pneumaticity should decrease toward the thorax to maintain structural integrity as the mass and bending moments of the neck increase.