Benefits of a Treadmill With Desk Many people work for long hours at their jobs. This can cause range of health issues, including back pain, weight gain, and decreased cardiovascular fitness. Treadmill desks allow you to increase your activity levels daily and decrease your time spent sitting at your desk. This can reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases and improve your cardiovascular health. Health Benefits If used regularly, a treadmill with desk can help users improve the amount of physical exercise. This is vital, as studies have shown that sitting for long periods can have a negative impact on our health. It is often connected to heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Walking while using a computer, tablet or other electronic device may also improve circulation and increase energy. Research has shown that treadmills at workstations result in a reduction in sedentary behavior and improved productivity. While the benefits of a treadmill workstation are numerous, there are some crucial aspects to consider when selecting the best model for your requirements. For instance, you need to make sure that the treadmill is safe and easy to use. You should also make sure that the workstation has enough space around it and that the power cords are not an accident hazard. You must also think about the speed you walk when you work. You should not walk at a high speed as this could cause discomfort and even injuries. It is also a good idea to select a treadmill with an initial speed that is low to allow you to gradually increase your speed to a faster pace. The primary benefit of using a treadmill desk is the fact that it enables you to burn more calories than just sitting. One study showed that a person of 80 pounds who walks at a moderate pace will burn 260 calories per hour. This can result in significant weight loss. Also, walking regularly on treadmills while working can