Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), a persistent organic pollutant that may accumulate in sea sediments after oil spill or BaP chemical leakage accidents, considerably harms marine ecosystems and human health. Previous studies have been predominantly focused on its degradation at low concentrations, while the remediation of BaP pollution with high concentrations was neglected. Additionally, the metabolic pathways associated with its anaerobic degradation remain unclear. As a first attempt, super-efficient systems for BaP anaerobic degradation were established, and the corresponding metabolic pathways were elucidated in this study. The results showed that the BaP removal rate in BaP-only system with initial concentrations of 200 mg/L reached 3.09 mg/(L·d) within 45 days. Co-solvent, acetone promoted anaerobic BaP degradation (4.252 mg/(L·d)), while dichloromethane showed a newly-discovered co-metabolic effect. In the system with 500 mg/L of BaP and dichloromethane addition, the removal rate increased drastically (14.64 mg/(L·d)) at 400 mg/L turn point of BaP. Additionally, the corresponding microbial community-level metabolic network was firstly proposed.Seabirds are widely used as indicators of marine pollution, including mercury (Hg), because they track contaminant levels across space and time. However, many seabirds are migratory, and it is difficult to understand the timing and location of their Hg accumulation. Seabirds may obtain Hg thousands of kilometers away, during their non-breeding period, and deposit that Hg into their terrestrial breeding colonies. We predicted that Hg concentration in rectrices reflects exposure during the previous breeding season, in body feathers reflects non-breeding exposure, and in blood collected during breeding reflects exposure during current breeding. To test this hypothesis, we measured total Hg concentration in these three tissues, which reflect different timepoints during the annual cycle of rhinoceros auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata) breeding on both sides of the North Pacific (Middleton Island in Alaska and Teuri Island in Hokkaido), and tracked their wintering movement patterns with biologging devices. We (i) iden transferred to local plants.Naturally-occurring autoantibodies to certain components of autophagy processes have been described in a few autoimmune diseases, but their fine specificity, their relationships with clinical phenotypes, and their potential pathogenic functions remain elusive. Here, we explored IgG autoantibodies reacting with a panel of cytoplasmic endosomal/lysosomal antigens and individual heat-shock proteins, all of which share links to autophagy. Sera from autoimmune patients and from MRL/lpr and NZB/W lupus-prone mice reacted with the C-terminal residues of lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein (LAMP)2A. No cross-reaction was observed with LAMP2B or LAMP2C variants, with dsDNA or mononucleosomes, or with heat-shock protein A8. Moreover, administering chromatography-purified LAMP2A autoantibodies to MRL/lpr mice accelerated mortality. Furthermore, flow cytometry revealed elevated cell-surface expression of LAMP2A on MRL/lpr B cells. These findings reveal the involvement of a new class of autoantibodies targeting the C-terminus of LAMP2A, a receptor for cytosolic proteins targeted for degradation via chaperone-mediated autophagy. These autoantibodies could affect the autophagy process, which is abnormally upregulated in lupus. The data presented support a novel connection between autophagy dysregulation, autoimmune processes and pathophysiology in lupus. While patellar resurfacing can affect patellofemoral kinematics, the effect on tibiofemoral kinematics is unknown. We hypothesized that patellar resurfacing would affect tibiofemoral kinematics during deep knee flexion due to biomechanical alteration of the extensor mechanism. We performed cruciate-retaining TKA in fresh-frozen human cadaveric knees (N=5) and recorded fluoroscopic kinematics during deep knee flexion before and after the patellar resurfacing. To simulate deep knee flexion, cadaver knees were tested on a dynamic, quadriceps-driven, closed-kinetic chain simulator based on the Oxford knee rig design under loads equivalent to stair climbing. To measure knee kinematics, a 2-dimensional to 3-dimensional fluoroscopic registration technique was used. Component rotation, varus-valgus angle, and anteroposterior translation of medial and lateral contact points of the femoral component relative to the tibial component were calculated over the range of flexion. There were no significant differences in femoral component external rotation (before patellar resurfacing 6.6±2.3°, after patellar resurfacing 7.2±1.8°, p=0.36), and less than 1° difference in femorotibial varus-valgus angle between patellar resurfacing and non-resurfacing (p=0.01). For both conditions, the medial and lateral femorotibial contact points moved posteriorly from 0° to 30° of flexion, but not beyond 30° of flexion. At 10° of flexion, after patellar resurfacing, the medial contact point was more anteriorly located than before patellar resurfacing. Despite the potential for alteration of the knee extensor biomechanics, patellar resurfacing had minimal effect on tibiofemoral kinematics. Patellar resurfacing, if performed adequately, is unlikely to affect postoperative knee function. Despite the potential for alteration of the knee extensor biomechanics, patellar resurfacing had minimal effect on tibiofemoral kinematics. Patellar resurfacing, if performed adequately, is unlikely to affect postoperative knee function.Since emerging in 1960, the artificial hydrogels have garnered enormous attentions in scientific community due to their high level of similarities to biological soft tissues in both structures and properties. With the proceeding of research, the concern of hydrogels is gradually shifted from fundamental investigation to abundant functionalization. In contrast to the natural soft tissues, the current artificial hydrogels still possess relatively simple structures and unsatisfactory environmental adaptability, extremely limiting their practical applications in complex environments. Enlightened by the prominent adaptability of biological organisms, the binary cooperative complementary principle is utilized to develop bioinspired organohydrogels by combining two components with opposite but cooperative physiochemical features. The present review provides the advanced progresses of bioinspired organohydrogels with sophisticated heterogeneous networks and desirably environmental adaptabilities. We clearly summarize the synthesizing strategies in regard to both corresponding mechanisms and typical examples, including macroscopic organohydrogels, organohydrogels with binary solvent, organohydrogels with heteronetworks, and emulsion-based organohydrogels.