Adult Female ADHD Symptoms Impulsivity and hyperactivity are the characteristics of ADHD in childhood, and can result in behavioral and academic issues. It is a chronic condition, but children usually outgrow the symptoms. In adulthood, the symptom of inattention persists and can cause issues in school or work. These symptoms can be caused or worsened by hormonal fluctuations during menstrual cycle, pregnancy or menopause. Attention-deficit Signs Adults can find the symptoms of inattention ADHD frustrating. They can thwart relationships, productivity at work and school performance. For instance, you might be easily distracted, frequently lose things, or have difficulty following directions. You might miss appointments or business meetings, leaving tasks not completed. Your office or home may be cluttered, and you may have trouble recalling important details of the events of your life. You might find it difficult to concentrate on other people, and you may be suffering from what's known as the "thousand-yard stare," where you look at people with a wide eye, but don't really hear them. Adults with inattention ADHD may also suffer from memory issues, particularly when hormonal changes take place such as during menstrual cycle, pregnancy, perimenopause, and menopause. This can be especially difficult for women who feel that their symptoms are worsened by these menstrual cycles. You can make a difference in your life if you are diagnosed with inattentive ADHD. Set realistic goals. You can use reminder apps or planners, as well as post-it notes to keep track of deadlines or appointments. Try to break up large projects into smaller tasks and tackle them one at a. Make sure to take regular breaks and move around to refocus. You may also request accommodations from your school or employer to assist you in managing your symptoms. For instance, you could be allowed to work from your home, given extra time to complete assign