Lightweight 3 Wheeled Mobility Scooter Mobility scooters with 3 wheels are lightweight, compact and easily disassembled into smaller pieces. They can be tucked away in the trunks of many vehicles, SUVs and vans. This type of scooter is easy to maneuver, due to its narrow turning radius. of the tiller and speed settings give you more versatility. Stability There are many things to think about when you are shopping for a mobility scooter. You may be using it to perform daily chores around the home or planning on traveling with it on cruise ships or planes. The right mobility scooter will be capable of meeting all your requirements, whether that means it can be used to go up or down hills. A 3 wheeled, lightweight scooter is a great option for the majority of people. It is compact and provides the highest performance. Mobility scooters that have a small turning circle are ideal for indoor and home use. They are easy to maneuver through the standard size of hallways and doors. Some models even have an intelligent speed dial that lets you control the power of your motor so that it can adjust to the surroundings. The speed dial can be adjusted down to the Tortoise icon for slow speeds or up to the Hare icon for maximum speed. In addition to their stability, these bikes often feature a plush and comfortable swivel seat as well as parking brakes. Many scooters have LED headlights, horns, and cane holders for you to keep your scooter organized. Some scooters are equipped with batteries that last for up to 6 miles. There are scooters that are waterproof and built to withstand a storm! Select a class 3 scooter if are looking for an equipment that can be used indoors as well as out. These scooters have a higher speed limit and can be used on the road as well as on pavements. These scooters are faster and larger than their class 2 counterparts. It is therefore important to be aware of the Highway Cod