Even if you've failed to get a good deal on a car in the past, that doesn't mean that you can't do it now. By educating yourself on what you are doing, you will be a much better negotiator. You need not settle for anything less than the best. Get your car loan online before you even walk into a dealership. Not having this information can cost you a lot of time and energy. If you already have a loan when you walk through the door, you will have a much faster transaction. Make sure you know about the dealer prior to negotiating for a vehicle. You should know about their trade-in policies and finance options. Saving money by doing a little homework is the best thing you can do before car shopping. When you are car shopping, you need to make sure it has plenty of the most important safety features. You cannot do without anti-lock brakes, also referred to as ABS. You should also get as many airbags as possible. You'll be in this car a lot, so safety is essential. Check the BBB rating of your local car dealers before you visit them. As you likely already know, car dealers can be less than honest. Save yourself from a lot of stress and expense by investigating how others feel about the car dealer. The time it takes is nothing compared to the time you can waste at a sheisty dealer. Read all of the fine print that is on the contract for the car you want to purchase. Even if you think the car salesman is being perfectly honest with you about everything involved, you need to make sure you are not signing anything that you will have regrets about later. When you are considering buying a used car, always have your mechanic check it out first. You are not a qualified mechanic trained to spot problems or repairs, so you need to take it to a professional. Be prepared to pay $100 or so for this service, but it may end up saving you thousands. Once you have an offer you like, bring up incentives, trade-ins or down payments. These different things should