Screening and treatment for latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) are key for TB control. In the UK, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and the British HIV Association (BHIVA) give conflicting guidance on which groups of people with HIV (PWH) should be screened, and previous national analysis demonstrated heterogeneity in how guidance is applied. There is an urgent need for a firmer clinical effectiveness evidence base on which to build screening policy. We conducted a systematic, programmatic LTBI-screening intervention for all PWH receiving care in Leicester, UK. We compared yields (percentage IGRA positive) and number of tests required when applying the NICE and BHIVA testing strategies, as well as strategies targeting screening by TB incidence in patients' countries of birth. Of 1053 PWH tested, 118 were IGRA-positive (11.2%). Positivity was associated with higher TB incidence in country-of-birth [adjusted odds ratio, 50-149 cases compared with <50 cases/100 000 11.6; 95%on.Direct transamidation is gaining prominence as a ground-breaking technique that generates a wide variety of amides without the requirement of acid-amine coupling or other intermediate steps. However, transamidation of unactivated aliphatic amides, on the other hand, has been a long-standing issue in comparison to transamidation of activated amides. Herein, we report a transamidation approach of an unactivated aliphatic amide using a copper catalyst and chlorotrimethylsilane as an additive. In addition, we used transamidation as a tool for selective N-C(O) cleavage and O-C(O) formation to synthesise 2-substituted benzoxazoles and benzothiazoles. The reactions were carried out without using any solvents and offered wide substitution scope.Several diseases are caused or progress due to inflammation. In the past few years, accumulating evidence suggests that ghrelin, a gastric hormone of 28-amino acid residue lengt