lity of DBS as a methodology for Hb assessment.Explicitly accounting for phenotypic differentiation together with environmental heterogeneity is crucial to understand the evolutionary dynamics in hybrid zones. Species showing intra-specific variation in phenotypic traits that meet across environmentally heterogeneous regions constitute excellent natural settings to study the role of phenotypic differentiation and environmental factors in shaping the spatial extent and patterns of admixture in hybrid zones. We studied three environmentally distinct contact zones where morphologically and reproductively divergent subspecies of Salamandra salamandra co-occur the pueriparous S. s. bernardezi that is mostly parapatric to its three larviparous subspecies neighbours. We used a landscape genetics framework to (i) characterise the spatial location and extent of each contact zone; (ii) assess patterns of introgression and hybridization between subspecies pairs; and (iii) examine the role of environmental heterogeneity in the evolutionary dynamics of hybrid zones. We found high levels of introgression between parity modes, and between distinct phenotypes, thus demonstrating the evolution to pueriparity alone or morphological differentiation do not lead to reproductive isolation between these highly divergent S. salamandra morphotypes. However, we detected substantial variation in patterns of hybridization across contact zones, being lower in the contact zone located on a topographically complex area. We highlight the importance of accounting for spatial environmental heterogeneity when studying evolutionary dynamics of hybrid zones.Motor adaptation maintains movement accuracy over the lifetime. Saccadic eye movements have been used successfully to study the mechanisms and neural basis of adaptation. Using behaviorally irrelevant targets, it has been shown that saccade adaptation is driven by errors only in a brief temporal interval after movement completion. However, under natural conditions, eye movements are used to extract information from behaviorally relevant objects and to guide actions manipulating these objects. In this case, the action outcome often becomes apparent only long after movement completion, outside the supposed temporal window of error evaluation. Here, we show that saccade adaptation can be driven by error signals long after the movement when using behaviorally relevant targets. Adaptation occurred when a task-relevant target appeared two seconds after the saccade, or when a retro-cue indicated which of two targets, stored in visual working memory, was task-relevant. Our results emphasize the important role of visual working memory for optimal movement control.This study was designed to assess 3D vs. 1D and 2D quantitative tumor analysis for prediction of overall survival (OS) in patients with Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) who underwent conventional transarterial chemoembolization (cTACE). 73 ICC patients who underwent cTACE were included in this retrospective analysis between Oct 2001 and Feb 2015. The overall and enhancing tumor diameters and the maximum cross-sectional and enhancing tumor areas were measured on baseline images. 3D quantitative tumor analysis was used to assess total tumor volume (TTV), enhancing tumor volume (ETV), and enhancing tumor burden (ETB) (ratio between ETV and liver volume). Patients were divided into low (LTB) and high tumor burden (HTB) groups. There was a significant separation between survival curves of the LTB and HTB groups using enhancing tumor diameter (p = 0.003), enhancing tumor area (p = 0.03), TTV (p = 0.03), and ETV (p = 0.01). Multivariate analysis showed a hazard ratio of 0.46 (95%CI 0.27-0.78, p = 0.004) for enhancing tumor diameter, 0.56 (95% CI 0.33-0.96, p = 0.04) for enhancing tumor area, 0.58 (95%CI 0.34-0.98, p = 0.04) for TTV, and 0.52 (95%CI 0.30-0.91, p = 0.02) for ETV. TTV and ETV, as well as the largest enhancing tumor diameter and maximum enhancing tumor area, reliably predict the OS of patients with ICC after cTACE and could identify ICC patients who are most likely to benefit from cTACE.Diverse many-body systems, from soap bubbles to suspensions to polymers, learn and remember patterns in the drives that push them far from equilibrium. This learning may be leveraged for computation, memory, and engineering. Until now, many-body learning has been detected with thermodynamic properties, such as work absorption and strain. We progress beyond these macroscopic properties first defined for equilibrium contexts We quantify statistical mechanical learning using representation learning, a machine-learning model in which information squeezes through a bottleneck. By calculating properties of the bottleneck, we measure four facets of many-body systems' learning classification ability, memory capacity, discrimination ability, and novelty detection. Numerical simulations of a classical spin glass illustrate our technique. This toolkit exposes self-organization that eludes detection by thermodynamic measures Our toolkit more reliably and more precisely detects and quantifies learning by matter while providing a unifying framework for many-body learning.The COVID-19 pandemic forced authorities worldwide to implement moderate to severe restrictions in order to slow down or suppress the spread of the disease. It has been observed in several countries that a significant number of people fled a city or a region just before strict lockdown measures were implemented. This behavior carries the risk of seeding a large number of infections all at once in regions with otherwise small number of cases. In this work, we investigate the effect of fleeing on the size of an epidemic outbreak in the region under lockdown, and also in the region of destination. We propose a mathematical model that is suitable to describe the spread of an infectious disease over multiple geographic regions. Our approach is flexible to characterize the transmission of different viruses. As an example, we consider the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy. Projection of different scenarios shows that (i) timely and stricter intervention could have significantly lowered the number of cumulative cases in Italy, and (ii) fleeing at the time of lockdown possibly played a minor role in the spread of the disease in the country.