Pathology confirmed the ectopic pregnancy. A literature review revealed only two prior documented cases of pathology-confirmed ectopic pregnancy in the setting of a negative serum hCG test. The patient had experienced an abortion two months earlier without a documented intrauterine pregnancy. Her hCG levels were followed to less then 5 mIU/mL and she had not yet had return of menses at the time of her presentation. Perhaps a chronic ectopic could explain this unusual case. This case highlights that an ectopic pregnancy should never be excluded from the differential diagnosis in a woman of reproductive age.The aim of this study was to assess the risk of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) from yerba mate infusions in Uruguay using the margin of exposure approach (MOE) and a probabilistic method (Monte Carlo simulation). Servings/day, portion size, weekly frequency of mate consumption and body weight were the factors considered. The amount in infusions of benz[a]pyrene (B[a]P), PAH2 (sum of chrysene and B[a]P), and PAH4 (sum of benz[a]anthracene, chrysene, benz[b]fluoranthene and B[a]P) were used as markers of PAH exposure. Total content of PAH in infusions had large inter-brand variability (48-54 %) with significant differences among brands. PAH content in infusions prepared as habitually consumed was about 40 % of total content. The probability of occurrence of MOE  less then  10,000 varied according to the infusion preparation and the marker of exposure used, being higher for infusions prepared for total content and when B[a]P was used as marker of exposure. When the average B[a]P amount in infusion as habitually consumed was used in the simulation model, the probability of MOE  less then  10,000 was 9 %. The main factors contributing to B[a]P MOE variance were B[a]P amount (28.4 %), servings/day (17.3 %), and portion size (9.6 %). Heavy drinkers of yerba mate with high B[a]P content are