The world is facing a dreadful outbreak of a novel disease, COVID-19, that has claimed the lives of thousands. African countries have recorded the least number of COVID-19 cases despite their weak healthcare systems. However, African prisons could be an hotspot for the spread of the virus. In this article, we focused on describing certain possibilities of an uncontrollable outbreak of this pandemic in African prisons considering the overcrowding, poor access to healthcare among inmates, and already existing abuse of human rights. We hypothesized that negligence to prison health in Africa during this pandemic could lead to devastating events. It is therefore important that inmates are not forgotten in COVID-19 responses. Mortality statistics on the COVID-19 pandemic have led to widespread concern and fear. To contextualise these data, we compared mortality related to COVID-19 during the first wave of the pandemic across seven countries in Europe with all and common causes of death, stratifying by age and sex. We also calculated deaths as a proportion of the population by age and sex. Analysis of population mortality data. COVID-19 related mortality and population statistics from seven European countries were extracted England and Wales, Italy, Germany, Spain, France, Portugal and Netherlands. Available data spanned 14-16 weeks since the first recorded deaths in each country, except Spain, where only comparable stratified data over an 8-week time period was available. The Global Burden of Disease database provided data on all deaths and those from pneumonia, cardiovascular disease combining ischaemic heart disease and stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer, road traffic accidents and dementia in 2017. Deion-making by policymakers. Mortality rates from COVID-19 during the first wave of the pandemic were low including when compared to other common causes of death and are likely to decline further while