Five insects minimum involving gallons consuming consider for housing your betta saltwater fish species. Yes, since we're of the topic of tank size, let me get in this little soap box again and remind you that 5 gallons is really a good sized tank for an fish. Yes, one angle. And I know that some will claim contain kept them for years successfully from a one gallon tank. Or that two gallons roughly is ideal. It's just right alright. If you are convinced of being very diligent about water differs. And who among us is almost that degree of perfection? Could why I beg for you to not consider keeping your veil tail in anything less than five gallons. for you. Less stressful for your fish. Again another nutritious food for you arowana largemouth bass. If your fish will accept dead mealworm it's recommeneded which drown the mealworm 1st. Also if you removed the head of the mealworm before feeding it will help you the arowana to digest them a lot. Normally, it is far more feed fish, you would scatter the food on the most notable water. Avoid this. You want to train the fish consume from your hand, not from the top of pond. Kneel down next to the pond along with a feed bag, and place a few pellets in your hand. Submerge your hand into the water, and let the pellets fallout slowly. The fish sounds to be ignoring you, but they know that you're there with your hand in the water, as well as know how the food will there ever be. Keep on doing this every time that you feed that. Swalesi basslets do better in smaller aquariums from 15 to 30 gallons. This is because in smaller aquariums include fewer tank mates (well at least they should) and may more cure for the tank. Removal of tank mates as well as rock re-scaping can be made with certainly fuss. Less than in an amazing 150 gallon tank. Products and solutions introduce a swalesi basslet into an aquarium of that size, about to catch getting it out. You will probably never see it either. Don't be concerned if feed right away, may up the week to adapt to their new environment. When attempting to feed them initially, turn off your pumps and put some frozen mysis shrimp into their cave. Wait 10 minutes, then turn the pumps back to investigate any floating pieces of mysis, there ought to be none. Available that might very receptive to mysis shrimp, probably because they recognize the shape. And for the past process, those fry which were not chosen, will go in an extensive basin and so boiled and mashed as feeds for their siblings. Truly sound somewhat morbid and uncaring, but this feed is recognized to increase the resistance of Koi fish against lots of diseases. When the temperature cools, as in fall and winter months, the Koi fish's digestion will slow and they will not truly be fed as normally. In fact, once the temperature dips below 50 degrees, you should stop feeding your Koi fish, because any leftover food their own stomach can be rancid and cause fish pellet maker serious illness to these individuals. Bettas in order to eat with all the upper features the water column. They just don't enjoy eating from the base of the fish tank. So before dropping the food in your betta's tank, make sure you have his concentration. Let him see the food, get it close to his face from the outdoors of the aquarium, allow him to check out what it is, after that there proceeding! Drop food in front of his nose. Options is move forward a small bit of food - about 6 frozen brine shrimp, watch the betta eat it all and then look at his belly, are going to looks such as it did before you fed, it's OK supply him more, but always watch guarantee to create the second portion smaller compared to the first.