Navy Veteran Mesothelioma Lawyers Compensation could be offered to Navy veterans who have been diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases or mesothelioma. Compensation from mesothelioma lawsuits and asbestos trust fund claims can help with medical treatments and other costs. Attorneys make legal claims on a veteran's behalf against companies that made asbestos-based products. Lawyers at national law firms who specialize in mesothelioma can determine when, where and how a Navy vet was exposed to asbestos. VA Benefits Veterans who suffer from asbestos-related ailments are entitled to a variety of VA benefits. These include free medical care as well as compensation for expenses, and burial assistance. The VA has a strong relationship with mesothelioma experts and offers the most advanced treatment for this deadly condition. Additionally, veterans can get second opinions from mesothelioma experts via remote appointments or online case management. Veterans who are diagnosed with terminal illness or diagnosed with mesothelioma will receive guaranteed VA DIC benefits. If you are the spouse, child, or parent of a deceased veteran due to a disability resulting from service and you are eligible for a death benefit that is tax-free. This benefit will pay a monthly payment up to $1500 for other family members and an annual payment of up to $2100 to the surviving spouse or child. Homemaker services such as assisted toileting and bathing could be provided to disabled veterans who need a live-in caregiver and/or assistance with personal hygiene or living tasks. The VA offers temporary housing and respite care for families whose loved one is receiving treatment at the VA medical center or a hospital located far from home. Many veterans qualify for education and vocational rehabilitation to help them find work and to retrain in the field of their choice. The VA can also assist with getting mortgages and credit cards for veterans, helps famil