What Happens When You Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer? Personal injury lawyers represent people whose lives are disrupted through car accidents or medical mishaps, as well as workplace injuries. They assist in recovering compensation for any damages. Your attorney will request documents such as police or accident reports, medical bills and records; employment and school information, and any other relevant documentation. Liability Analysis A personal injury lawyer will initially determine the theory of responsibility. It is based on the accident nature and the circumstances. The three most common theories of liability in personal injury cases are negligence, strict liability and breach of warranty. Negligence claims arise when a defendant fails to act with the same level of care and caution as a reasonable person in similar circumstances. Examples of negligent conduct include operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol reckless driving, a failure to use appropriate safety equipment, and not ensuring that roads are in good working order. If they believe that the at-fault party can be held liable, the attorney will start negotiations for a financial settlement. This could include providing evidence to the insurance company, such as medical documents, police reports and witness statements. They will also gather information regarding the injured party's future medical expenses, lost wages and other damages. In most cases, the insurance company will accept an equitable settlement. If not the lawyer will prepare for trial by filing an action against the party responsible and ensuring that all evidence is ready to be presented in court. They will also inform their client about any witnesses they intend to interview, and could hire an expert witness to discuss the details they are not able to explain themselves. Personal injury attorneys will take part in mediation prior to trial to negotiate a settlement