Building Trust With Doctor Windows Doctors are dedicated to a lifetime of learning and are committed to embracing the latest advances in medical knowledge and methods. They also conduct research to improve healthcare. Doctor windows can help to separate waiting rooms and workspaces for staff from each other, which reduces the possibility that someone could be able to hear confidential patient information. They can also make administrative tasks more efficient and secure. Enhances Patient Confidence A relationship of trust between patients and doctors is important, and establishing this trust requires a lot of care and attention to the smallest details. Sliding glass windows for transaction are a great way to improve the relationship. They allow medical offices to bring natural light into their waiting rooms, while keeping in mind the need for privacy and openness. A recent survey asked patients to assess their most recent appointment with a doctor on the basis of seven interpersonal factors: 'Giving you enough time', 'Asking you questions about your symptoms', 'Listening to your concerns', 'Explaining the results and treatments' Participating in your decisions regarding your care and taking your issues seriously'. The results revealed that the most important factor influencing confidence and trust was a sense that problems had been taken seriously. The next most important factor was the feeling that the doctor listened to their concerns and, after that, a feeling that they were treated with care and concern. The study also examined the interaction effects of age, gender and ethnicity on these inter-personal factors. A binary logistic regression 'interaction model' was used to establish the odds ratios (ORs) for each of the seven ratings and the overall impact of the rating on a patient's confidence and trust in the doctor. The ORs along with their 95% confidence intervals are listed in tab