In Brazil, the population in general has little knowledge about genetic risks, as well as regarding the role and importance of the Cancer Genetic Counseling (CGC). The goal of this study was to evaluate cancer-related worry and cancer risk perception during CGC sessions in Brazilian women at-risk for hereditary breast cancer. This study was performed in 264 individuals seeking CGC for hereditary breast cancer. Both cancer-affected and unaffected individuals were included. As results, individuals with and without cancer reported different motivations for seeking CGC and undergoing genetic testing. A correlation was observed between age at the first CGC session and age at which the closest relative was diagnosed with cancer. Multivariate analysis showed that educational level, cancer risk discussion within the family, and number of deaths by cancer among first-degree relatives influenced positively the cancer risk perception. In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that cancer-related worry and cancer risk perception are significant aspects of morbidity in individuals seeking CGC, whether they are cancer-affected or unaffected. CGC has an important role in health education and cancer prevention for its potential of promoting an accurate perception of the risk.Fetal hemoglobin (HbF) is a determining factor for the development of sickle cell anemia. High HbF levels lower the intensity of symptoms of this disease. HbF levels can vary in patients with sickle cell anemia and individuals without the disease. The purpose of this study was to identify the genetic variants in the G gamma-globin gene promoter that can modulate HbF expression in patients with sickle cell anemia and healthy individuals from Colombia. In total, 413 bp of the G gamma-globin gene promoter were sequenced in 60 patients with sickle cell anemia and 113 healthy individuals. The allelic and genotype frequencies of the identified variants were compared between individuals with low and high HbF for both patients and healthy individuals. In total, we identified 15 variants in both groups, only three of which were shared between patients and healthy individuals. In healthy individuals, sites -16 and -309 (rs112479156) exhibited differences in allele frequencies. The mutant allele of -16 lowered the production of HbF, whereas the mutant allele of -309 increased its production. These results reveal the presence of different mechanisms of HbF regulation between patients with sickle cell and healthy individuals.Previous research has shown that mind wandering has both positive and negative effects. Mind wandering may improve creative problem solving; however, it could also lead to negative moods and poor mental health. It has also been shown that some forms of mental illness are positively related to creativity. However, the three factors of mind wandering, divergent thinking, and mental health have not been examined simultaneously, so it is possible that these relationships are manifested by spurious correlations. Therefore, we examined the relations among the three factors while controlling for each of their confounding effects. We asked 865 participants (458 men, 390 women, 17 unknown; Mage = 18.99 years, SD = 1.16) to complete a questionnaire measuring mind wandering traits, divergent thinking, and mental health measures including depressive symptoms and schizotypal personality. Multiple regression analysis showed that people who reported more depressive symptoms, schizotypal personality, and divergent thinking, were more likely to engage in mind-wandering. Our results indicated that frequency of mind wandering was linked to a risk of poorer mental health as well as to higher divergent thinking ability. In future research, we will examine the features of mind wandering related to divergent thinking and mental health by considering the contents of wandering thoughts and whether they are ruminative or not. We also need to examine whether the same results will be found when studying professionals in creative occupations, and when using different scoring methods in divergent thinking tests.The diagnosis of infective endocarditis (IE) remains a challenge. One of the rare bacterial species recently associated with biofilms and negative cultures in infective endocarditis is Aerococcus urinae. Whether the low number of reported cases might be due to lack of awareness and misidentification, mainly as streptococci, is currently being discussed. To verify the relevance and biofilm potential of Aerococcus in endocarditis, we used fluorescence in situ hybridization to visualize the microorganisms within the heart valve tissue. We designed and optimized a specific FISH probe (AURI) for in situ visualization and identification of A. urinae in sections of heart valves from two IE patients whose 16S rRNA gene sequencing had deteced A. urinae. Both patients had a history of urinary tract infections. FISH visualized impressive in vivo grown biofilms in IE, thus confirming the potential of A. urinae as a biofilm pathogen. In both cases, FISH/PCR was the only method to unequivocally identify A. urinae as the only causative pathogen for IE. The specific FISH assay for A. urinae is now available for further application in research and diagnostics. A. urinae should be considered in endocarditis patients with a history of urinary tract infections. These findings support the biofilm potential of A. urinae as a virulence factor and are meant to raise the awareness of this pathogen.This paper posits a framework of digital models integrating spatial narrative theories to represent the narrative and its experience of a Chinese classical novel, The Tale of Li Wa, which has been diversely interpreted by literary critics and historians for approximately 900 years. In the proposed framework of "Time-Space-time-Space," the spatio-temporal information derived from the text of the novel and its author is extracted and fused to map the instantaneous spatial pattern perceived by readers in the flow of read time, which helps contemporary readers re-understand the classical narrative and its context through a multi-possibilities, integrated, and in-depth approach. The paper presents one possible interpretation of the novel in the framework organized by the authors, illustrating the theme of growth with respect to the male protagonist in the capital Chang'an via the "what-how-why" model.