How to Find a Car Accident Lawyer Near Me To get compensation if you have been involved in a car accident, there are a number of steps to follow. It is recommended to contact the police and seek medical attention and collect evidence at the scene. You'll need a lawyer to assist you in these issues. These lawyers are trained to gather evidence and build strong cases. Call the police It is crucial to call the police immediately after an accident in the car. If there are injuries or damages that are severe that is significant, you should call the police. The police could also investigate the accident and report it, which could be beneficial if you are planning to file a lawsuit against the person who caused the crash. Police officers can also gather witnesses' reports and other data in order to determine who was at fault for the incident. They can also test for drugs and alcohol if it's suspected that one driver was impaired at the time of the crash. It is very important to take photos and videos of the scene of the crash using your mobile phone. These images can be used to support your claim for compensation. Additionally, you should collect as many details from the other driver as you can. This includes their address, name telephone number, driver's license and insurance company. If the other driver does not own the vehicle ensure that you have their license plate number also. Once you have this information, you need to talk to both the driver at fault and the driver who was at fault about their interpretations of what transpired. Record their statements in your notes. You should also gather the names, addresses and phone numbers of witnesses to the accident as well. The police will prepare an account of the incident which will prove very valuable to you. The report will help you establish the liability of the other driver and help you decide whether or no to bring a lawsuit against the other driver. It is important to cont