in New York If you've suffered an accident, you might be in a position to file a vehicle accident compensation claim. You can file a claim for economic losses that exceed the limits of your policy and also for non-economic damages. However, there are certain things that could impact the amount of your claim. If you've been seriously injured, you can file for damages in New York. There is a time limit to make a claim for car crash compensation If you've been injured as a result of an accident in the car, you may be entitled to compensation. But, you need to be able to act within the timeframe that your state provides. There is a three-year limitation period for claims in New York. The court can deny your claim if you fail to file it within the specified time. Inform your insurance company as soon as possible. Your insurer will give you the time frame to submit your claim. The clock starts to run from the moment of the accident. It is also important to notify your accident as quickly as possible. Some symptoms can take days or even weeks before appearing. Following a car crash, it is critical to record everything you can. Document any evidence you find at the scene and keep all the contact information of everyone involved. It isn't easy to remember the details of the incident therefore it's essential to have everything in order prior. Don't rush into filing a claim when you're not sure that you have all the facts straight. To be sure that you have exact evidence and information, it is best to seek the advice of an attorney. The time limit for filing a compensation claim varies state by state. Most states allow you to file a claim within two to three years. If you wait more than three years from the date of the accident the court may deny your claim. But that doesn't mean that you can't submit a claim if have the right documents. Factors that can affect the value of your claim There are a myriad of factors that influence the