Truck Accident Safety Features If you or someone you love was involved in a truck crash contact an experienced New York truck accident attorney immediately. They can assist in investigating the cause of the accident and determine if there was any negligence on the part of the trucking company or driver. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, nearly half of truck rollovers occur by failing to adjust speed in an angle. Other factors include failing to take into account the condition or load of the truck's brakes when turning and also the condition of roads or intersections, and failing to take into account the speed of the truck. Brakes The brakes on a truck could be among the most important security features as they assist in preventing fatal or serious accidents. The brakes are designed to stop trucks, however they must be maintained properly. Truckers and other drivers can suffer serious consequences if their brakes fail. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration estimates that nearly a third of large truck crashes are caused by some kind of brake failure or malfunction. This can often be attributed to improper maintenance or a bad repair job. If you've been injured or a loved one has been killed in a car accident caused by brake failure the first thing you should do is seek legal advice from an experienced Syracuse personal injury lawyer. These cases may raise complicated legal questions that require an experienced lawyer to assist you in understanding your rights. One of the main reasons why brakes fail on trucks is that the driver isn't using them. Drivers may abuse their brakes by applying them too fast to steep slopes or forgetting to check their air pressure and drive with low pressure. This reckless driving behavior could cause brakes to fail and cause injury to other passengers in the truck. A manufacturing defect can cause brakes to fail. A manufacturer must initiate a recall of their