Subaru Key Replacement When you lose a Subaru key or you need to replace it, you may think you'll need to go to the dealership. There are many automotive locksmiths that work on Subaru vehicles and can make a new key right on the spot. These keys typically have transponder chips and require code. This will cost more than making a duplicate of a metal key. Get a Quote for Key Replacement Call a locksmith if require a new key for your Subaru. They can create a brand new car key fob that will work exactly the same as the original and they can make a backup so that you can open your doors even if the remote isn't working. They can also duplicate your ignition cylinder to save you money in the event that your issue is not with your keys or ignition, but rather with your ignition. A locksmith can also be a good choice because they can make the key quicker than a dealer. They are also capable of cutting a standard metal key, which is more affordable than the cost of a transponder or smart keys. You must inform the locksmith that your key contains transponder or chip, and you'll want to let them know if the ignition was changed previously so they can program the key in the correct way. You should also bring your VIN number, as the locksmith needs it to duplicate your key. It is possible to determine the price for your car key replacement by getting an estimate from the dealer or the local locksmith. Dealerships charge more, but the process is simpler at the dealer. They will be able to provide you with the code for your key and can then be used by an locksmith in the automotive industry to duplicate the key and program it to your car. Make a Key You can have your Subaru key made at various locations. There are many locations that can make a Subaru key. The most common one is the dealer. However, automotive locksmiths and some hardware stores also have the capacity to make Subaru keys. These are the best places to get a Subaru key replacement, as they have the tools and experience to deal with the more complicated types of locks that are found on these cars. When it comes to creating a Subaru car key, the type of key is also crucial. You'll need to know the type of key you have (fob, remote "push to start" intelligent, etc) and what year it was produced. Some of these cars have special key blanks that require a specific machine to cut them, but others are normal metal keys and can be copied using the standard key cutting machine. In general, locksmiths have these specific key blanks and can make your Subaru car key replacement on the spot. If your Subaru key isn't turning in the ignition, it could be due to the ignition cylinder, not the key. An experienced locksmith will know this and can replace the ignition cylinder if needed. This is usually less expensive than a full replacement key and can be performed simultaneously as a replacement key. Cut a key Subaru automobiles are known for their reliability and staying in service for a long period of time. Therefore, if you have to replace your car's key the first step is to find an automotive locksmith or a dealership which offers mobile services for Subaru vehicles. They can design a new physical car key or a replacement fob, and they can even backup your existing mechanical key in case you ever need to use it. For older Subaru models, the traditional key made of metal can be copied with a standard key cutting machine that is available at many hardware stores. For the latest models, a Subaru keyfob is required to operate the vehicle. The key fobs can be programmed to match the car's electronic system. If the key fob gets lost, an experienced locksmith or dealer can replace it. The key fob also comes with features that can improve your driving experience and make your life simpler. These features include STARLINK Concierge, which streamlines your daily routine by providing directions, shopping assistance and appointment scheduling. You can also lock and unlock your car via the remote. You can also use STARLINK Multimedia to play music or audio books on your smartphone while you drive. This feature will aid you in staying focused on the road. Get a Key Programming A lot of new Subaru automobiles have fob keys that require special key duplications and programming. While you can bring your key to a dealership but this is typically more expensive than using a locksmith who has special understanding of Subaru automobiles and is able to cut and program a fob key at just a fraction of the price of a dealership. If you own a Subaru key fob that needs an replacement battery it is simple to do at home. Put a flathead screwdriver inside a small groove between the front and back of the encasement for the keyfob. Turn the screwdriver around to pop open the fob and pull out the smaller unit inside. Locate the flat, round battery and remove the tabs which hold it in place. Replace with a brand new 2025 one. Then, put the fob pieces back together. It is possible to think your ignition is the cause, when in fact it is the car key. A locksmith who has experience can save you time and money by identifying the issue before suggesting a fix. They also know when to recommend replacing the cylinder of ignition instead of the key and they can do this in a manner that does not invalidate your warranty. You'll have a car that is simpler and more reliable to start. You won't have worry about having to go to a dealer to have your key cut and programmed.