The Importance of Understanding Evolution The majority of evidence for evolution comes from the observation of organisms in their natural environment. Scientists also conduct laboratory experiments to test theories about evolution. Favourable changes, such as those that aid an individual in the fight to survive, increase their frequency over time. This is known as natural selection. Natural Selection Natural selection theory is a central concept in evolutionary biology. It is also an important aspect of science education. Numerous studies indicate that the concept and its implications are poorly understood, especially among young people and even those who have completed postsecondary biology education. However, a basic understanding of the theory is essential for both practical and academic contexts, such as research in medicine and management of natural resources. Natural selection can be understood as a process that favors desirable characteristics and makes them more prominent in a population. This improves their fitness value. The fitness value is determined by the contribution of each gene pool to offspring at every generation. This theory has its critics, but the majority of whom argue that it is untrue to assume that beneficial mutations will always become more common in the gene pool. They also argue that random genetic shifts, environmental pressures and other factors can make it difficult for beneficial mutations within an individual population to gain foothold. These critiques are usually grounded in the notion that natural selection is a circular argument. A favorable trait has to exist before it is beneficial to the entire population, and it will only be preserved in the population if it is beneficial. Critics of this view claim that the theory of the natural selection is not a scientific argument, but rather an assertion about evolution. A more advanc