Keys Replacement For Cars If you have a basic mechanical key you should be able to purchase a replacement from any hardware store for cheap. This key will need to be programmed either by a locksmith or dealer. Smart keys are more complex and require a trip to the dealer to pair them with your vehicle. These kinds of keys are typically expensive, but some car insurance companies will cover the cost. Mechanical Keys There are still car keys that are solely mechanical, the kind that you put into an ignition lock cylinder and then turn to start your vehicle. If your car uses one of these keys, it's affordable to replace the key and fob (if lost or stolen). A locksmith can design an original key for less than you would buy from a dealer. You can also have someone close to you who is proficient in programming transponder keys from the aftermarket (which are cheaper than keys made by the factory) cut keys and then program them. Getting a spare is important since modern cars won't be able to start when a key that isn't programmed with the proper chip is used. Transponder keys resemble mechanical keys, but have an electronic chip hidden within the base. The chip communicates with the computer system in your vehicle. Your car will recognize the code on the chip, but will not start if you use another code. If your spare key contains a chip, it will need to be programmed at a dealership. You'll need an equipment that can cut the key and program it. These machines are only available through certain dealerships, and it's unlikely that a locksmith will have the tools needed to make an engraved key using a laser transponder. It's expensive to replace keys using remotes, particularly if you require an extra. Try reprogramming the fob yourself if you're only missing the shank of the key and have a functioning replacement fob, however it can be difficult and time-consuming. If you've lost the complete fob and key, however,