Car Accidents Lawyers Accidents in the car can lead to long-term medical expenses, lost income and much more. If you're confronted with these problems it's crucial to seek out an attorney. A personal injury attorney with years of experience can help to file the correct claim and receive full compensation. You may also be entitled to sue for emotional damage that result from posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression and more. The damage to the Facial Bones In a car crash the force of the collision can cause serious injuries to your face. This includes damage to the facial bones that are responsible for giving your face its shape and structure, such as fractured jaws, broken noses, and eye sockets. You may also experience permanent vision loss or disfigurement if have an injury to your teeth and eyes. It is possible that you will need surgery to correct these issues and can be expensive and time-consuming. The damage to the facial tissues and bones is often discovered when you visit an ophthalmologist following the collision. Your doctor could prescribe painkillers or antiinflammatory drugs based on the extent of the injury. In , your physician will evaluate your facial appearance and suggest cosmetic procedures that will improve your appearance after the accident. You may even require plastic surgery to repair an unnatural face that was damaged by an accident. Soft tissue damage is another type of injury that can be triggered by a car accident. It is an injury that is a result of cartilage, ligaments muscles, tendons and ligaments that cushion and connect your bones. A soft tissue injury is one of the most commonly occurring traumatic craniofacial injuries treated by plastic surgeons and emergency departments. It usually is accompanied by abrasions, cuts or lacerations to your skin and may result in severe swelling and infection. The impact of an accident may cause soft tissues to tear, cause inflammation and trigg