Inattentive ADD in Women Many women who suffer from inattention ADD struggle to keep up with household chores, family responsibilities, and friends. It could be difficult for them to keep their jobs. Women and girls often display less noticeable ADHD symptoms than boys and so are often dismissed as snoozy or silly. Adult women with undiagnosed ADD may struggle with depression, low self-esteem, and relationship issues. Impatience Women who suffer from ADD are often plagued by anxiety, and this can cause difficulties at home, in school or at work. They have a difficult time to accept delays, particularly those that are not their fault minor annoyances can lead to anger and frustration or even a rage. They feel they are behind and are always playing catch-up despite their efforts. Women with inattentive ADHD are more likely to fail to meet deadlines and feel overwhelmed by even the simplest tasks. Their inability to focus can lead to careless mistakes that can have a significant impact. They might, for example, forget to submit their tax returns or make a a mistake in an email. Women suffering from this subtype of the disorder may have difficulty concentrating, so they can often wander off or lose track of what they are reading or watching. Women can be frustrated with their inability to keep their commitments, particularly when they have invested time and money into a strategy. Women may be disappointed by the inability to monitor their finances. They might also be suffering from problems with impulse control, such as spending impulsively and jumping into relationships or jobs without thinking through the consequences. Attention-deficit ADHD can frustrate those close to the woman, including partners and children. The inability to concentrate and mood swings can cause arguments, self-esteem issues and problems with relationships. Women who suffer from ADD are often mist