Mental Health in the UK The results revealed that mental health problems are viewed as 'illnesses affecting the brain and mind'. They were perceived as different from other illnesses such as cancer. The British tradition of'stiff upper lips' means that many are still reluctant to seek help. Some people with severe mental illness may be sent to inpatient care outside their community. Treatment Mental health treatment in the UK is part of the National Health Service, which provides free quality healthcare for all, regardless of income. This includes accessing the GP, surgeries and hospitalization. The NHS was established in 1948 and its mission is to provide quality medical treatment to the people of Britain. The NHS is not without difficulties, however. Patients with mental health issues have long wait times to see a specialist. The NHS must tackle this issue to ensure that patients receive timely treatment. The NHS also needs to increase its efforts to preventative and early intervention, which could help people suffering from mental health issues avoid more serious issues. Anyone can be affected by mental health issues at any time however certain groups are more likely to suffer more than others. This includes women, young people and LGBTQIA+. People with lower incomes are also more likely to develop a mental illness. People with mental health conditions like depression have a choice of treatment options. The NHS suggests self-help, talk therapy, and medication. The type of depression a person is suffering from will determine the kind of medication prescribed. For instance the NHS can prescribe antidepressants to treat mild to moderate depression, and anti-anxiety medication for those suffering from severe anxiety disorders. Despite the growing awareness of mental health problems in the UK stigma remains an issue. Many people are re