Mutations in this gene have been reported in patients with poikiloderma and neutropenia, with a few reported cases in association with skin fragility, a condition distinct from the KEB phenotype. Transcriptome analysis revealed that several genes, expressed in the cutaneous basement membrane zone and previously associated with different subtypes of EB, were differentially downregulated at the mRNA level. EB-associated mRNA downregulation was confirmed at protein levels by skin immunofluorescence. These observations provide a novel mechanism for blistering and erosions in the skin as a result reduced presence of adhesion complexes critical for stable association of epidermis and dermis at the level of cutaneous basement membrane zone.Benthic animals inhabiting the edges of marine oxygen minimum zones (OMZ) are exposed to unpredictable large fluctuations of oxygen levels. Sessile organisms including bivalves must depend on physiological adaptations to withstand these conditions. However, as habitats are rather inaccessible, physiological adaptations of the OMZ margin inhabitants to oxygen fluctuations are not well understood. We therefore investigated the transcriptional responses of selected key genes involved in energy metabolism and stress protection in a dominant benthic species of the northern edge of the Namibian OMZ, the nuculanid clam Lembulus bicuspidatus,. We exposed clams to normoxia (~5.8 ml O2 l-1), severe hypoxia (36 h at ~0.01 ml O2 l-1) and post-hypoxic recovery (24 h of normoxia following 36 h of severe hypoxia). Using newly identified gene sequences, we determined the transcriptional responses to hypoxia and reoxygenation of the mitochondrial aerobic energy metabolism (pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 complex, cytochrome c oxidaquality control mechanisms in responses to oxygen fluctuations of the OMZ bivalve L.bicuspidatus. The reaction of L.bicuspidatus to oxygen fluctuations implies parallels to that of