tackling educational inequalities in mortality due to lung cancer, diseases of the circulatory and respiratory systems, and accidents. relative inequalities slightly increased in both genders, while absolute inequalities only in women. A reduction in the population impact could be achieved by tackling educational inequalities in mortality due to lung cancer, diseases of the circulatory and respiratory systems, and accidents. to evaluate the gap in life expectancy on the municipality of Rome, through the spatio-temporal changes in life expectancy at the birth and at 65 years old of residents in between 2006 and 2017, by gender, socioeconomic position, and health district. epidemiological study based on the construction of mortality tables describing age-specific mortality rates and life expectancy at birth and at 65 years old. from the Register of the Causes of Death (ReNCaM), between 2006 to 2017, 329,426 deaths of residents in Rome were selected. the variation in life expectancy at birth was estimated by gender, by socioeconomic position, and by health district for four triennial observation periods from 2006 to 2017. Temporal and socioeconomic position changes, through an indicator of deprivation of a small area specific for the city of Rome, and possible geographical patterns, by observing the variation in the 15 health districts, between 2006 and 2017 were observed. in Rome, between the first three-year period (2006vention interventions and the actions to be taken for Objective 10 ("Reducing inequalities") of Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. the analysis of geographical and socioeconomic differences of the life expectancy provides important information to identify the areas of the Municipality of Rome on which to strengthen prevention interventions and the actions to be taken for Objective 10 ("Reducing inequalities") of Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. The soluble forms of suppression of tumor