UPVC Window Doctor - When to Call a Professional Neglecting damaged uPVC windows frames, cills and frames can lead to more expensive repair and more expensive energy bills. Cleaning, lubricating and taking preventive measures can easily fix these issues. UPVC is also more durable than wood and doesn't shrink or expand when the weather changes. Here are some suggestions on how to maximize the value of your uPVC window: Window repairs uPVC windows offer several benefits, including increased energy efficiency, enhanced security, and reduced maintenance costs. They may require periodic maintenance to ensure their performance. Some repairs can be made by hand, while others may require assistance from a professional. Repairs are needed for a variety of reasons such as condensation between panes and drafts. Addressing these issues promptly will help ensure the security and comfort of your home. The uPVC window frame is the plastic part of the window that surrounds your glass. It comes in a wide range of finishes and colors. Typically, it's white, but it is also painted or stained to match your decor. Additionally, the uPVC frame is usually coated with a durable paint that resists fade and moisture and can last for many years. If you're looking for an upgrade to your double-glazed windows, it's important to find the most suitable firm for the task. You'll want to find a company that has positive reviews, that is licensed and insure, and that offers a warranty. Additionally, a reputable window installation company is well-versed in the various types of windows as well as their specific needs. A reputable company can diagnose and resolve any problems with your uPVC window and help you select the most suitable solution for your house. They can also replace cracked glass and handle and hinges, as well as repair framing that is sagging or warped. They can also sand and paint frames to restore the frames to their