The purpose of this cross-sectional, qualitative study was to determine unmet educational needs, preferences, and barriers experienced by individuals with chronic illness and their caregivers. A survey containing fixed-choice selections and open-ended questions was sent to persons with cancer and other chronic diseases who had been seen within a large national private health system. Between 20% and 25% of participants had difficulty obtaining health care information and/or felt overwhelmed with managing their condition. Coping, managing symptoms, and making treatment decisions were areas of need in both patients and caregivers. Preferences for receiving information were diverse. Existing methods of communication including secure Web sites where patients can access their medical records posed significant challenges.A total of 91 people including 47 in the intervention group and 44 in the placebo group were included to a randomized controlled study. It can be asserted that acupressure, applied to the Neiguan (PC 6) acupuncture point in individuals with essential hypertension, provides blood pressure regulation and is effective for management of numerous hypertension-related symptoms.Dry skin, which is one of the most frequent dermatological problems seen in the elderly population, is an important problem that increases with aging. This study was conducted as a randomized controlled experimental trial to determine the effect of aromatherapy, applied to elderly persons residing in a nursing home in a city center, on dry skin. Elderly persons were grouped into a control group (20 elderly persons), an olive oil group (20 elderly persons), and an aromatherapy group (20 elderly persons). When examining between-measurements differences of the groups in the study, skin moisture levels of the elderly individuals in the aromatherapy group increased in all zones, arm, leg, back, and chest, at measurements of the second and fourth