The genotypic effects on the reproductive traits were determined using regression analysis. This study successfully amplified a polymerase chain reaction product of 190 bp, which was used to identify the SNP. Results indicated that in ILDs is polymorphic. A SNP was found at position 164 nt (c.164G >A), consisting of three different genotypes, namely, GG, GA, and AA. The genotypes of Tegal and Magelang (F0), and Gallang (F1) populations were not in H-W equilibrium. The Maggal population (F1) was in H-W equilibrium. Significant associations were detected between the genotypes and EP in all ILDs (p<0.01), following a regression line of y=2.337x+64.605, with a determination coefficient of 0.0188 (r=0.14). can be recommended as a candidate gene for reproductive traits in ILD, especially EP. PRL can be recommended as a candidate gene for reproductive traits in ILD, especially EP.Recent technological advancements in computing, sensing and communication have led to the development of cyber-physical manufacturing processes, where a computing subsystem monitors the manufacturing process performance in real-time by analyzing sensor data and implements the necessary control to improve the product quality. This paper develops a predictive control framework where control actions are implemented after predicting the state of the manufacturing process or product quality at a future time using process models. In a cyber-physical manufacturing process, the product quality predictions may be affected by uncertainty sources from the computing subsystem (resource and communication uncertainty), manufacturing process (input uncertainty, process variability and modeling errors), and sensors (measurement uncertainty). In addition, due to the continuous interactions between the computing subsystem and the manufacturing process, these uncertainty sources may aggregate and compound over time. In some cases, some process parameters needed for model predictions may not be precisely known and may need to be derived from real time sensor data. This paper develops a dynamic Bayesian network approach, which enables the aggregation of multiple uncertainty sources, parameter estimation and robust prediction for online control. As the number of process parameters increase, their estimation using sensor data in real-time can be computationally expensive. To facilitate real-time analysis, variance-based global sensitivity analysis is used for dimension reduction. The proposed methodology of online monitoring and control under uncertainty, and dimension reduction, are illustrated for a cyber-physical turning process.The Australian asthma guidelines have recently been updated and include additional treatment options for adults and adolescents with mild asthma Mild asthma is not necessarily a benign condition and patients are still at risk of severe flare-ups, particularly if they overuse short-acting beta2 agonists such as a salbutamol inhaler For adults and adolescents with mild asthma, the updated guidelines include as-needed inhaled low-dose budesonide–formoterol as an alternative to daily low-dose inhaled corticosteroid plus as-needed short-acting beta2 agonist The budesonide–formoterol combination should be taken as needed to provide symptom relief and reduce the risk of severe exacerbationsAccurate diagnostic tests that provide results in a timely manner are essential for the clinical and public health management of COVID-19 disease The choice as to which test to use will depend on the clinical presentation and the stage of the illness Nucleic acid tests, using real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction, are the most appropriate for diagnosing acute infection. Combined deep nasal (or nasopharyngeal) and throat swabs are the preferred sample Serology can be used to diagnose previous infection, more than 14 days after the onset of symptoms Antigen tests are in development and their role is not yet defined Interpretation of results must take into account the pre-test probability of the patient having the disease. This is based on their clinical presentation and epidemiological riskCo-formulated tenofovir disoproxil plus emtricitabine is highly effective as pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV It is suitable for men who have sex with men, for heterosexual sex and for people who use intravenous drugs when there is a risk of HIV infection Pre-exposure prophylaxis is one pill per day and can be prescribed by all medical practitioners and nurse practitioners via the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. It is best prescribed in a three-monthly program with regular monitoring for patient adherence, safety, HIV and other sexually transmitted infections Prophylaxis is well tolerated but requires monitoring for kidney toxicity and low bone densityVulvovaginitis is a commonly encountered problem in general practice. It usually presents with irritation and vaginal discharge A thorough examination is essential in order not to miss the less common causes. Investigations may be needed to confirm the diagnosis Candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis are the most common causes. Antifungals and antibiotics are therefore used in management Not all causes are infective. Several skin disorders can affect the vulva Ongoing or recurrent symptoms require careful evaluation and further investigationFollowing surgery there is often a need for ongoing pain management after the patient is discharged from hospital. This can be made easier if the patient has an appropriate discussion before leaving hospital about what pain they can expect, and they are given a management plan Paracetamol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are suitable for most patients. Drugs with a short half-life, such as ibuprofen, may need to be taken regularly Short-acting opioids can have a short-term role, providing guidelines are followed. There is a predictable period of time after surgery when the benefit of an opioid is expected to be maximised before harmful adverse effects will dominate Gabapentinoids are useful for neuropathic pain, but have a limited role in nociceptive pain. Like opioids, they have a risk of misuse The surgeon should be consulted if the patient develops new pain or the postoperative pain becomes more severe Most postsurgical pain will resolve within three months. If not, it is deemed persistent pain that may warrant specialist assessment