Immune cells in the endometrium are targeted by HIV and re-programmed to allow them to survive and spread the virus throughout the body.Studies have suggested that amyloid precursor protein (APP) regulates synaptic homeostasis, but the evidence has not been consistent. In particular, signaling pathways controlling APP transport to the synapse in axons and dendrites remain to be identified. Having previously shown that Huntingtin (HTT), the scaffolding protein involved in Huntington's disease, regulates neuritic transport of APP, we used a microfluidic corticocortical neuronal network-on-a-chip to examine APP transport and localization to the pre- and post-synaptic compartments. We found that HTT, upon phosphorylation by the Ser/Thr kinase Akt, regulates APP transport in axons but not dendrites. Expression of an unphosphorylatable HTT decreased axonal anterograde transport of APP, reduced presynaptic APP levels, and increased synaptic density. Ablating in vivo HTT phosphorylation in APPPS1 mice, which overexpress APP, reduced presynaptic APP levels, restored synapse number and improved learning and memory. The Akt-HTT pathway and axonal transport of APP thus regulate APP presynaptic levels and synapse homeostasis.The female reproductive tract (FRT) is the most common site of infection during HIV transmission to women, but viral remodeling complicates characterization of cells targeted for infection. Here, we report extensive phenotypic analyses of HIV-infected endometrial cells by CyTOF, and use a 'nearest neighbor' bioinformatics approach to trace cells to their original pre-infection phenotypes. Like in blood, HIV preferentially targets memory CD4+ T cells in the endometrium, but these cells exhibit unique phenotypes and sustain much higher levels of infection. Genital cell remodeling by HIV includes downregulating TCR complex components and modulating chemokine receptor expression to promote dissemination of infected cells to lymphoid follicles. HIV also upregulates the anti-apoptotic protein BIRC5, which when blocked promotes death of infected endometrial cells. These results suggest that HIV remodels genital T cells to prolong viability and promote viral dissemination and that interfering with these processes might reduce the likelihood of systemic viral spread.Risk assessment for a cancer type with moderate heritability can be accurately performed using a relatively small number of SNPs detected by GWAS analyses to calculate a polygenic risk score (PRS) that has definite clinical utility.The genetic tests for "non-rare thrombophilias" (TNR) were introduced into clinical setting immediately after the identification of genetic variants in the mid-90s to predict and prevent venous thromboembolism (VTE). Although being a rare example of a genetic test of susceptibility for complex diseases that has been integrated in medical routine, it is the most widespread post-natal genetics inquiry in France nowadays. Yet, determining whom to test and how to use the results is still controversial. This article outlines the trajectory of its clinical regulation and illustrates the importance of the context of use to understand its diffusion. This analysis is intended to feed a more general reflection on the issues raised by the clinical integration of genetic surveys for common diseases, particularly with regard to the clinical utility of a test (statistical vs. biological), the subjects to be tested (the case index and/or her/his relatives), and the criteria underlying access to these tests (modalities of medico-economic assessment).Yeast has been used for thousands of years as a leavening agent and for alcoholic fermentation, but it is only in 1857 that Louis Pasteur described the microorganism at the basis of these two tremendously important economic activities. From there, yeast strains could be selected and modified on a rational basis to optimize these uses, thereby also allowing the development of yeast as a popular eukaryotic model system. This model led to a cornucopia of seminal discoveries in cell biology. For about two decades yeast has also been used as a model and a tool for therapeutic research, from the production of therapeutics and the development of diagnostic tools to the identification of new therapeutic targets, drug candidates and chemical probes. These diverse chemobiological applications of yeast are presented and discussed in the present review article.In healthy subjects, the balance between glucose production and its usage is precisely controlled. When circulating glucose reaches a critical threshold, pancreatic β-cells secrete insulin, which has two major actions lowering circulating glucose concentrations by facilitating its uptake mainly in skeletal muscles and the liver, and inhibiting glucose production. Triglycerides are the main source of fatty acids to meet the energy needs of oxidative tissues and any excess is stored in adipocytes. Thus, adipose tissue acts as a trap for excess fatty acids released from plasma triglycerides. When the buffering action of adipose tissue to store fatty acids is impaired, they accumulate in other tissues where they are metabolized in several lipid species, including sphingolipid derivatives such as ceramides. Numerous studies have shown that ceramides are among the most active lipid second messengers to inhibit insulin signalling. This review describes the major role played by ceramides in the development of insulin resistance in peripheral tissues.Exacerbated angiogenesis is one of the hallmarks of cancer defined by Hanahan and Weinberg. However, targeting the signaling pathway of the "Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)" or its receptors has shown its therapeutic limits. Despite short term benefits for patients, tumors always relapse and generally become metastatic and incurable. Neuropilins 1 and 2 (NRP1, 2) whose activity was originally described in the nervous system, stimulate many parameters involved in tumor aggressiveness including cell proliferation, angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis, and immune tolerance. Thus, an overexpression of NRP1 or 2 in many tumors, is correlated with a short survival of the patients. The purpose of this review is to describe the mechanisms of action involved in stimulating NRP1, 2 and to take stock of therapeutic strategies in preclinical studies or in early phase trials in patients with different cancers.